Everyone can relax. Instead of snapping at one another, please focus any blame or anger upon me.
It’s actually my fault. I can sometimes give divergent recommendations depending upon my reasoning at a particular period in time or the particular situation.
When there are situations where I think people are going to ignore my advice not to use two products concurrently, I’ll at least try to advise them on a safer way to take the two.
Though in the vast majority of cases and over time, I’ve found that it’s much less complex and confusing to simply recommend that people not use the two products at the same time.
In this case, combining the two supplements might lead to hypotensive related side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, fainting and so forth. Additionally, if using the two concurrently, there could be an increase in heart rate.
[quote]Damici wrote:
Thanks Cy. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to kill anyone. ;)[/quote]
Death may not be a risk, but “hypotensive related side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, fainting and so forth” can be very serious in some individuals.
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:
Thanks Cy. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to kill anyone.
Death may not be a risk, but “hypotensive related side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, fainting and so forth” can be very serious in some individuals.[/quote]
“very serious . . . ?” I might disagree on that one. But regardless, I don’t think what I stated remotely put anyone in any real danger, and as Cy said (and I would hope anyone with a brain would do), start with 1 capsule, assess tolerance, go from there. Mountain made out of a molehole. It was fun, though.
[quote]Damici wrote:
ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:
Thanks Cy. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to kill anyone.
Death may not be a risk, but “hypotensive related side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, fainting and so forth” can be very serious in some individuals.
“very serious . . . ?” I might disagree on that one. But regardless, I don’t think what I stated remotely put anyone in any real danger, and as Cy said (and I would hope anyone with a brain would do), start with 1 capsule, assess tolerance, go from there. Mountain made out of a molehole. It was fun, though. ;)[/quote]
An individual with LBP who is already prone to such effects could possibly get into trouble with this combination of products.
Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant. You obviously don’t have training in this area.
[quote]Damici wrote:
ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:
Thanks Cy. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to kill anyone.
Death may not be a risk, but “hypotensive related side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, fainting and so forth” can be very serious in some individuals.
“very serious . . . ?” I might disagree on that one. But regardless, I don’t think what I stated remotely put anyone in any real danger, and as Cy said (and I would hope anyone with a brain would do), start with 1 capsule, assess tolerance, go from there. Mountain made out of a molehole. It was fun, though. ;)[/quote]
Yea, fainting with 450lbs on my back isn’t too serious. I’m sure the fall would wake me up.
Yes I am glad that its less likely that you may have indirectly led to someones death, but do agree that those sides and the reason for Biotest not recomending the combination are pretty solid. None of those sound enjoyable and could be very harmfull in the right circumstance.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree as I still see no posible good, as I stated prior, to you making the comment/post you did.
Hey, guess what??! Pop on over to the thread about the new, super-concetrated version of Alpha Male! You know what Tim Patterson says in that thread? You’ll NEVER guess!! Ever!! Come on, give it a whirl . . . !
He says that Biotest is soon going to be releasing a new product called HOT-ROX Extreme, which will be a combination of HOT-ROX and Carbolin 19! Imagine that!!!
[quote]Damici wrote:
Hey, guess what??! Pop on over to the thread about the new, super-concetrated version of Alpha Male! You know what Tim Patterson says in that thread? You’ll NEVER guess!! Ever!! Come on, give it a whirl . . . !
He says that Biotest is soon going to be releasing a new product called HOT-ROX Extreme, which will be a combination of HOT-ROX and Carbolin 19! Imagine that!!!
I done thought that would KILL ya’ . . . !!![/quote]
Maybe, just maybe, HOT-ROX Extreme doesn’t have the same contents as the current HOT-ROX formulations? After all, it is a new formula.
I get the feeling that you’d have trouble fighting your way out of a paper bag.
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:
Hey, guess what??! Pop on over to the thread about the new, super-concetrated version of Alpha Male! You know what Tim Patterson says in that thread? You’ll NEVER guess!! Ever!! Come on, give it a whirl . . . !
He says that Biotest is soon going to be releasing a new product called HOT-ROX Extreme, which will be a combination of HOT-ROX and Carbolin 19! Imagine that!!!
I done thought that would KILL ya’ . . . !!!
Maybe, just maybe, HOT-ROX Extreme doesn’t have the same contents as the current HOT-ROX formulations? After all, it is a new formula.
I get the feeling that you’d have trouble fighting your way out of a paper bag.[/quote]
Uh, yeah, I’m having real trouble here being proven RIGHT. Life is tough, man! But you can just sack up and admit when you’re wrong – either now or when more specifics on the formula are released. It’s up to you.
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:Uh, yeah, I’m having real trouble here being proven RIGHT. Life is tough, man! But you can just sack up and admit when you’re wrong – either now or when more specifics on the formula are released. It’s up to you.
Right about what?
Did you not read Tim’s article and subsequent posts closely? In it he discusses this very topic.
Why do you feel the need to be proven right amonst people you don’t even know?[/quote]
Fair question. Here’s another one. Why are you being so stubborn and refusing to admit you may have been wrong?
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
Damici wrote:Uh, yeah, I’m having real trouble here being proven RIGHT. Life is tough, man! But you can just sack up and admit when you’re wrong – either now or when more specifics on the formula are released. It’s up to you.
Right about what?
Did you not read Tim’s article and subsequent posts closely? In it he discusses this very topic.
Why do you feel the need to be proven right amonst people you don’t even know?[/quote]
Very closely. Neither of us knows the exact ingredients of HOT-ROX Extreme yet, but it seems clear, from what it sounds, like it will still contain A7E, plus “additional ingredients.” Additionally, there shall be a different product (MD6), which we know nothing about yet.
We can wait until the final formula is announced if you’d like, but it looks reeeeeeal likely that the “scary” combo of ingredients that you were worried would explode if one took the old HOT-ROX and Carbolin 19 together is likely to be retained.