Tren ?

I’m about to have my first experiance with “the nectar of the gods”. I plan on doing a 2 on three off (tren, prop, d-bol) until june, then in july start an 8 to 10 weeker. My ? is who thinks I would be doing myself a disserivice by doing this type of cycle for my first time with tren?

I don’t like it… the 2 on 3 off protocol is much more complicated than just that and it hasn’t really been done successfully in a while. I don’t think that you will get to appreciate the tren in this time period. Six weeks… this is what I like to stick to with tren… LOW dose HCG from the beginning.

On your weeks off I would be taking clomid, Tribex, RedKat, and Methoxy7,

SQUATTY HAS SPOKEN. How’s it going bro? Could you elaborate on what your saying?

from my understanding, a 2 on 3 off cycle wouldn’t work with the tren. you wouldn’t be experiencing the full benefits of it when taking time off like that from it. correct me if i’m wrong here,. but the half life is too quick, stick with the 6 week cycle with tren

I am with Johnny, 2 weeks of tren will simply shut you down too hard. I remember the 2 week on protocol called for fast-acting steroids so they would be in and out without much suppression. Two weeks of tren will be quite suppressive. I just did a three week tren/test cycle, I intended it to last much longer but I got sick, school work backed up and I cut my losses and stopped early. It was a full month before I felt back up to par.

my first cycle was a 2 week tren/winny. my body comp changed immensley during that time.