I believe I am experiemcing Rotator Cuff Tendinitis. I am not sure exactly what is or brought it on but, it is throwing a pretty big wrench in my training right now. Which really blows because I only recently started really focusing on Benching and now it is pretty painful to do.
My question though is… I have noticed if I do Decline Bench work my shoulder is perfectly fine I feel practically at 100% how ever Flat Bench and Incline for sure is damn near torture. Would I be best served to just take a few weeks off from any pressing movements or would I be ok hammering the Decline and Triceps with some extensions ( JM Presses, Standard, and Cable variations as they don’t bother me ) so to atleast keep my body in tune with moving heavy weight considering I feel no pain in these movements.
In the mean time I using Anti Inflammatory medication, Heat and Cold Treatments, and Stretches for my Rotator Cuff. Thanks for any advice from any one who has had to deal with this.