Goals worked towards: front squats, shoulder health, consistency
Front squats / pull aparts / db curls
bw x 15
65 x 10 / 2x red x 13 (pull aparts)
115 x 5 / 2x red x 14
145 x 3 / 2x red x 13
175 x 1 / 2x red x 13
175 x 1 / 2x red x 13
175 x 1 / 30 x 12 (db curls)
175 x 1 / 30 x 12
175 x 1 / 30 x 12
Deficit deadlifts / lateral raises
205 x 2 / 25 x 8
235 x 2 / 25 x 8
265 x 2 / 25 x 8
265 x 2 / 25 x 8
265 x 2
265 x 2
265 x 2
I’ve decided to add deficit deadlifts to the daily dose workout. Yeah, they’re really light, but they’re better than nothing. I’ll add a backpack with weights next week, once I’ve adjusted.
Tonight was scheduled to increase the front squats weight by five percent. It felt great! I might bump the regular weight to this in a couple weeks.
Are you going to deadlift every day you do your Daily Dose? The program advocates using variations throughout so you’re spot on with deficits. I thought about throwing those in today but I’m still undecided. I might just settle for snatch grip deads.
I’m unsure whether I’m going to do deficit deadlifts every day or twice a week, switching between them and lunge variations so I keep up with single-leg work. As for doing variations, I’m forced to right now - I only have the small, screw-lock type barbell and plates. I’ve read here those bars can snap at around 275 pounds. 265 has always felt stable, so I’m sticking with that. For extra weight, I’ll wear a backpack with plates in it. My biggest plates are 25 pounds, so the deadlift is deficit by default, and I like to take a different grip each set - regular, wide, snatch - to emphasize different back muscles.
You should go nuts and do some snatch-grip deficits with me! When lifting a specific exercise so frequently, we can play around with different nuances.
It really doesn’t matter, but I read an article a few days ago (probably here on TN) about doing only deficit, a small deficit, and only doing comp lift when competing.
NO, DDD, is about doing DL (or another lift) 5 times a week.
You are really doing this the way it was meant fo be I think.
Are you doing DD front squat as well, but 3 days a week? I know @Frank_C did that too. I thought it might be a bit rough on recovery.
If I should do it with two lifts it would be an upper body and a lower body lift.
Looking forward to see how it goes over the next month or two.
I decided to abandon the daily dose of squats, but it was due to my hip pain. I didn’t have a chance to see if it would run me into the ground or impair my ability to recover properly.
Oh yeah, definitely. I’m doing front squats as my multiple sessions per week exercise. I toyed with the idea of adding deficit deadlifts too, since I can only use 265 pounds plus a backpack. Then I thought of alternating between deficit deads and lunges as my second exercise behind front squats. But after one session of deadlifts following squats, I was really worn out and am reconsidering.
Exactly that for the first two weeks. This week, I plan to increase to 4 or maybe even 5 front squats sessions.
Yes, that’s very smart. I don’t know which upper body lift I could sustain that much frequency with though. Maybe rows. The way I’ve done it so far, I’ve front squatted three times each week (this week’s third session is planned for tonight), and done an upper body push and pull twice. It’s going really well this way, so maybe I need to stay the course while adding in one front squat session.
I would use deficit, I might have been a little unclear. What I meant was that you should use DDD with DL and that you could use different variations throughout.
Doing all deficit would be fine, but using different variations such as grip or stance would be very good. switching between DL one day and lunge another would be straying a bit to far. But I see, that it wasn’t the intention.
That’s a good idea, and I appreciate it! However, my problem is my bar and weights are the spinlock/standard size weights. That bar’s known to bend or even, God forbid, snap around 275 pounds. I’ve been loading it to 265 for 1.5 years and it feels solid, so I’m going to leave well enough alone.
All I have for weights are the smaller bar, spinlock style, and the largest plates I have are 25 pounds, so I can only do deficit deadlifts right now lol.
I alter my grip and slightly change my stance, so your recommendations are spot on.
You can stand on the bands for deadlifts and the bands go inside you grip, so chances of bending would be greatly reduced, but I understand your concerns
Not training per se but a good reminder of why I train -
a friend and I carried two pianos and a 500-pound entertainment center into and out of a house and building, down stairs, along an uneven, unpaved dirt path, and into and out of a truck (a third guy helped lift into and out of the truck and did a bit of carrying too.)
What did I learn? Deadlifts are good. Deficit deadlifts and heavy rack pulls directly transfer to outside world activities.
Loaded carries are indispensable and will make an appearance in my coming workouts.
All bicep curls, especially heavy barbell curls, impress the ladies AND actually help do real work.
It appears I won’t be able to continue the daily dose/every other day of front squats; my hips don’t respond well. This happened the last time I squatted three times per week, and that was sitting years ago. Sorry @mortdk, if you want to fully experience the effects of daily dose training, I reckon you’ll have to do it Sadly, it doesn’t work for me, at least not right now.
I’m sticking with front squats as my primary leg exercise, but I’ll include lunges and deficit deadlifts more regularly, along with more hinging and hamstrings in general, doing each once a week and lifting full body three times per week. At least, that’s the current plan.
My goals remain the same, I’m just finding a different program to accomplish them.
What about DL, have you ditch’ed that as well?
I am most curious to the DL part.
Might have to do it myself.
Right now I’m looking to write my own program, and to follow that for 2-3 month next year. But you never know, when another shiny object appears.
Yep, daily deadlifts would have the same deleterious effect that daily squats does. I’m back to squatting and deadlifting once or twice each week. We’ll see what it turns into.