Time Flies

My apologies, I’m way late to the party…Welcome to the “old guys who don’t know any better” club. ANother 5/3/1 er…look forward to following along… I’m in cycle 6 and so far so good.

Nice training UN42. Where did you get the fatgrips?

I got the fat grips from fatgripz.com. they werent that much.

Those pictures ain’t so bad. Some of us are trying to get to where we look like that. I mean me, btw.

[quote]username42 wrote:

Last set of front squats felt heavy. Guess I am paying now for slacking on squats for so many years.

You are in good company in the squat department.

Yea, dacharming, after thinking about it, I am happy with my body the way it is now, but I know it can look better. And I have a goal for a better physique for my 40’s.

Standing Military Press barx15 65x10 105x3 125x3 140x3 FG
Seated Arnold Press 27.5x12 35x12 40x10 40x10 40x4 FG
V-bar triceps 50x12 60x12 70x12 80x5 FG
Weight assisted pullups 120x10 60x5 40x3 Left arm 180x10
Wasn’t sure about a 4th rep on last set of MP’s. My core felt shaky on those. Guess I should get some of that going in my workouts.
Shoulder mobility felt great on arnold presses, weight was nothing. Grip is what held me back. Those fat gripz just might be doing their job.
V-bar was on a different pulley system, 80 was a bitch.
Different pullup machine as well.

Good work here. Why are all of us (the good looking ones) bald with chin hair ? LOL.



Well Fischer I guess the other ones cant seem to figure it out. They’ll catch on, once genetics kicks in.

Deadlift 135x12 185x8 215x3 245x3 275x6
1arm standing cable rows neutral grip FG 80x12 90x12 110x12 110x10
EZ bar curl FG 55x8 55x8 55x8 65x6 no FG
eliptical Tabata 4min.
Deads felt good
Standing cable rows felt like my form was off
I think the ez bar is 35lbs, if not my curl weight is off, I’m never sure if you are supposed to do high or low reps for supporting muscle groups, I think I will stick with the Waterbury set rep bible on that.

Random thought, why is it as I get older I find most of lifes happiness can be traced back to a good poo?

I’ve got the dome thing figured out, the chin hair comes and goes.

The core stability on your MP’s will come along, just give it time. Standing MP’s are a great core workout.

Nice Deads User…that tabata stuff is insane…or will make you insane, I can’t figure out which. I tried Tabata squats (1 time) and nearly died. Good training!

Yea OG a little insane, I think whats insane is I still miss complexes a little. I am going to try some of Tumilello’s tabatas, the eliptical is getting a little boring already, I like the fighters upper body one with the resistance tubes. And yes you are insane for trying the tabata squats.

But since i’m not smart enough to learn from other peoples mistakes, I will give them a go as well. Maybe the friendly 24hr staff will carry me to my Flex afterwards, if nothing else, just to get me off their floor.

BB Bench 95x20 135x12 185x3 200x3 226x6 FG
Dips BWx10 BWx10 BWx10 BWx10 BWx10
Incline DB Bench 45x10 45x10 50x10 55x10 55x10
Standing behind head Tri extension 15x10 20x10FG 20x10FG
fighter tabatax4 min
First time with FG’s and heavier bench felt good, no grip problems
Left shoulder loosened up after first set of inclines, felt good
Left side braced too much on triceps extensions must be because of the shoulder, need to add weight to feel anything, might have to take off FG’s
Need to get stonger bands for tabata’s or give front squats a try.

Girls working out together in the gym, no problem
All rotating on the same bench, no problem
Sitting down between my incline bench and theirs to do abs, problem
I was really hoping not to drop my weights on them when I was done with my sets, they do bounce when you drop them and I didnt want them to bounce on them. After enough looks they got the hint and moved to the other side. A little awareness of your surroundings and some gym courtesy would have helped.

What is it with chicks that want to get right up under your weight to do core stuff when you are lifting heavy???

Ummmm…think maybe I just answered my own question.

Seriously though, it happens to me all the time. They only move when I start slipping 45’s off the bar and they realize it could land on them if I lost my grip.

Nich Bench work UN42! You seem to really like the FG’s for stuff. Any reason you went in that direction? I do some Fat Bar stuff on and off but just to change the flow.

Great training UN42. I lift in my basement so the only one to get in my way is me.

Well old goat I did want a change of pace and i do like the Fat Gripz. It has helped my shoulder mobility on lifts. I’m starting to think you cant use them for all movements, since the standing triceps didnt go well I will try some lying down. And thank eco, I will consider things going well when my squats and Mp’s come up. and since I dont have a house I can’t work out at home, but I do have kettlebells and I’m thinking of doing swings on my off days for cardio, I think 100 should be enough.

You OMP, I dont know why chicks do that, its nice, but sometimes you just have a goal that doesnt include them.

12FEB10 Patheti-Sad squat day
Front Squat 65x10WU 95x6WU 125x3 140x3 160x3
Back Squat 155x8 170x6x6x6x6
Prone Leg Curls 30x12 35x12 40x11 45x10
Preacher Bench Curl 27.5x8x8x8 FG Left Arm 30x8
Got really good depth on my squats, I think below parallel. Not by much, but I think I did. It was a great feeling stretch. So my weight might not have gotten better, but my depth did.
I think next cycle I will try no FG and see how it feels. Happy V.D. to all.


Standing Military Press 65x10 95x8 115x5 130x3 145x2 FG
Seated Arnold Press 45x8x8x8x8 FG
Weight Assisted Pullups 120x10 60x5x3 30x1
V-Bar Triceps pushdown 50x10 60x12 70x10
Slight Push Press on last set of MP
No shoulder pain at all on Arnolds
Left side still needs extra work being smaller side.

Was going to see Avatar today but it was sold out, so we went for From Paris With Love. Not a bad movie at all. Kinda predictable but still a fun movie to watch. Travolta was very good. Better than I have seen him be in a while. If you have a couple of hours to kill, you could do worse.

Good looking milies, dude. Welcome to the old folks home.