I thought @EyeDentist would appreciate this one. That’s your neck fo the woods, correct?
“Gender” triggered
On a serious note, my wife belongs to a few expectant mothers groups on the ole spying platform that is Facebook. Some of the threads dealt with gender reveals in which the conversations descended into utter madness. Those threads revealed the word that triggered a thousand brain-dead feminists…
I also belong to a few expectant father groups on the aforementioned data mill - and not a problem was to be had on any topic. Just thought that was a funny juxtaposition…
Lol, ya I caught that too. Ha!
I never really understood the whole gender reveal thing.
Nah, we didn’t make it a big thing - my wife and I aren’t very flashy people. We just enjoy our lives and the people in it. It’s basically showboating but to each their own I guess.
We found out the gender at like 10 weeks - we’ve known for a while and we were very casual when people asked – speaking of which people are sooo fuckin scared of “saying the wrong thing” now a days. I’ve noticed from a few people there’s hesitation when they ask if we’ve found out the … sex. There’s always a pause which indicates to me they’re trying to figure out what word is acceptable here. Motherfucker, just say what you want to say - you can’t control how anyone is going to react to any word - just say what you want. It’s fucking crazy - we live a crazy world bud.
Oh, ya, I think it’s fine. Just not my cup of tea.
I can honestly say, thank god, I didn’t run into what you wrote at all.
It’s eerie. But it helps me identify the people I can’t trust. They’d report me for mis-thinking when it comes down to that
Not that I’m proud to claim it at the moment, but yes.
In high school, one of my friends had a house party. Another of our friends pooped in the air vents at the party. The house always smelled absolutely terrible after that. Like you walked in, and an unmistakable reek of feces hit you in the face. His mom was always cleaning out the refrigerator, thinking it was caused by last week’s roast beef or something. Sometimes I’d ask what the smell was and they always had a new conclusion like, “Oh that? It’s just some mold in the basement.” I think deep down, they all knew it smelled like shit and just didn’t want to admit that their residence had a poop aroma. I’m pretty sure they never figured it out and as far as I know, his parents are still living in their shitty house. Almost 20 years later, it still makes me chuckle. My wife won’t move to my hometown because she’s worried how our kids will turn out. She might have a point.
You forgot “C. Both.” It’s cheating if it’s not both.
It’s fucked up enough without a “c” option.
So, when you say which one would you fuck, do you mean whose body you’d fuck or…Say I fuck my gf who’s in my mom’s body would I choose gf or mom?
None of you ever became MAN enough to tell them? Even to send an anonymous letter, or make an anonymous call so they stop living in a house that smelled like human feces?
Wow. That’s not funny. You’re a jerk.
I just read the rest of the posts from today.
Yeah, I’m done.
The way I interpret it is, the consciousness of your mom & girlfriend swap. So if you fuck your girlfriend’s body then it’s your mom’s consciousness.