For what its worth I think Global warming as a direct effect of human living is a crock of shit. Firstly our planet has a certain volume of water be it in liquid form or frozen. Now I remember when was in primary school we did an experiment in which we placed water and ice in a cup so that it was on the brink of overflowing (all it needed was one more drop). anyway we had some paper underneath the cup to catch any water that may have spilled and guess what … No water spilled over the edge of the glass.
No when I think back I also remember reading that the sun was always expanding and would eventually engulf the earth (I believe TC also touched on this in one of his columns) so could it be that the increase in the suns size, however small the increments, might be at least part of teh cause of the increasing temperature?
Carbon and that whole trend is starting to get beyond a joke here in Australia. There is a push to ban bottled water because of the carbon footprint being too big. If we are going to change the apparent Carbon Problem then a massive lifestyle change is needed but maybe we are too late (if you believe it anyway), I don’t think the world is ready for it…
Here is one question regarding Global Warming that no-one has answered for me… Why is it that Australia has a bigger hole in the ozone than china and America? Why is one of the biggest holes above Antarctica?
There are too many questions and no real solid proof in my opinion… Here is how it will pan out… The world will sort itself out kinda like the day after tomorrow minus Dennis Quaid.
Anyway I will write more on this and please if I am wrong then tell me. I am off to bed so I will get back to this in the morning.
I am sure the key to a good life is moderation not over indulgence anyway. I am comfortable with my theories so I don’t see that anyone will disprove them here but by all means try