I was going to keep my log in the training log section but, figured I would keep it here since I plan on utilizing CT’s new training methods for my version of 30 days from Dud to Stud
Some information, I have been lurking on here for a few years and have applied CT’s training principles/ideas to go from 135lbs to 177-180lbs at about 5’10, after having been an overweight teen.
Though I know it is not possible to add a lot of muscle while losing bodyfat, based on my reading of his ideas it seems one can add some muscle/bring up lagging parts while losing fat if they train properly and have proper peri-workout nutrition.
My goal/plan is to:
A)Diet for 5 weeks (35 days) and reach goal by Thanksgiving go from:
177-180lbs to as lean as I can get, if I add a bit of mass, great.
2 weeks on Pushing (upper body performance)
2 weeks on Pulling (Foundation)
1 weeks on legs (After focus on fullbody training my legs have moved ahead of upper body).
SAMPLE WEEK: Upper Body Performance Specialization
Mon:Upper Body
Tues:Upper Body
Wed:Upper Body
Thur:Neural Charge
Sun:Neural Charge or Rest
Diet wise I will keep my protein at about 1.5-2.0 Grams, Carbs only aroung training 30-60 Grams the rest of the day green veggies and fat about equal or a bit less then protein
Perhaps you all more familiar with dieting can help me out here.
How does the sample week look? Should I perform 2 workouts a day Mon-Wed and should I use different approaches on each day (Heavy, isolation, heavy+circuits)?? Since I am dieting I am not sure how to properly execute it these new methods , do not want to over do it.
Perhaps cardio in the AM training in the PM? Or no cardio two lifting sessions a day?
I will be posting before, present, and after photos.
I plan on starting tomorrow so, would like to get everything set up today. Any help is appreciated.