There’s no need for a death penalty. We have the technology to keep 'em behind bars. Where, if evidence comes to light, at least a man has a life to reclaim.
Shouldn’t the fire marshal be prosecuted for perjury?
[quote]Sloth wrote:
There’s no need for a death penalty. We have the technology to keep 'em behind bars. Where, if evidence comes to light, at least a man has a life to reclaim.[/quote]
A little bit more prosecution of prosecutors in cases like this (I’m not saying this particular case) would go far toward curbing the dangerous enthusiasm it seems some of these wolves have in protecting their sheep.
Seems like DA’s have carte blanche to go after criminals with extreme prejudice, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but they should be looking over their shoulder the second they step over the line to pursue charges against someone based upon what they know to be shaky evidence.
I agree with Sloth, there’s no need for a death penalty, and I’ve heard too, too many stories recently about people being exonerated by DNA evidence to ever feel comfortable supporting it again.
Texas is supremely fucked up because they don’t have the traditional public defender system most states have, and instead provide indigent defendants with counsel appointed from the rest of the bar. These lawyers get paid literally below minimum wage (when you calculate out the time spent) to defend someone’s life. Couple this with the enormous popularity of the death penalty in texas, and you have the sole reason I don’t believe in the death penalty as currently administered. We are human, and we will never be able to do it fairly.
My criminal law professor spent a lot of time doing death penalty appeals. He actually represented Timothy McVeigh (for those who don’t know - that’s an Oklahoma professor defending the OKC bomber). His war stories were horrifying.
No need for a death penalty, then you can pay the taxes to fund the prisons.
I think it is ridiculus we pay so much to keep prisoners, we should establish stricter more sever punishment. Make it more public, if you do this, then this will happen to you.
and if you are found guilty, and punished to death it should be carried out sooner and not humanely,
men convicted of violent rape castrated, second offense, death penalty.
how much money is wasted each year on this crap.