
I know that testosterone by itself has both type-1 and type-2 effects, but to what extent?

I plan on taking 1000 mg of test with 400 mg of deca, would adding dbol to this stack give any additional - outside the receptor- action?

What is a reasonable dosage assuming the forementioned cycle will be used (I was thinking a moderate amount, like 25 mg) ??

On the other hand, what about sideeffects with this addition?

25mg/day of dbol along with some clomid or armidex would work well with your aformentioned cycle.

If a steroid novice, and everything is
going right, you might gain about as fast
as you can gain with just the gram of T.
In other words, amount of androgen might
not be the limiting factor in this situation. The reason that the body isn’t gaining more
than say one lb LBM per day isn’t lack of
androgen, it’s that the body just doesn’t
grow faster than that (generally)

However, if in a more advanced situation,
sure, you’d notice the difference from
either addition, since definitely the
androgen receptor is not saturated at
one gram per week of T (so the Deca helps)
and, to a lesser extent, the non-AR mediated
mechanisms that Dianabol is good at aren’t
quite saturated either, it seems.