Testosterone and HCG AI Question

You WILL need to get blood tests and post them here ASAP. Otherwise, it’s mostly speculation on your symptoms. There is more knowledge here than %99.9 of any doctor you will see, so you came to the right place. Make sure and get your E2 (estradiol) tested as well. They will ask you why and say “we don’t do that”. Just tell them to humor you. Or, you could do an at home test like this:

The VA will never prescribe you hCG and anastrozole. You will need to find that elsewhere. This should give you a head start on finding a doctor.

Will the VA allow you to take your vials home and self inject? 100mg once a week isn’t a terrible dosing schedule, however you would do better on at least injecting 2x/week in smaller doses. You can inject subQ and it’s very easy. Much less invasive than IM shots.

You need to read through this:

Edit your post by clicking the button on the bottom right corner and answer as many of the questions you can from the advice for new guys sticky above.

hCG will cure aching testicles and restore size and function. Good luck to you. Welcome to the forum.