So I’m on my 2nd month of SS now and my squat has gone from 95 to 185 and my body weight from 165 to 174. I’m happy with my gains so far, but I’m worried about injuries. I’ve had no formal lifting instruction and I don’t train with anyone. Previously my squat stalled at 180, so I’m assuming my technique, eating and resting habits are better than they were in the past (and they are).
I study the lifts in the Starting Strength book religiously and spend a decent amount of time on the web researching ways to improve my form. I’m still worried because I’ve been having a smidge of back pain after my squatting sessions lately. I guess I’m wondering if anyone has been in a situation like mine and taught themselves how to lift and gone on to lift respectable weights. Or am I just wasting my time with the big lifts and should I stick to dumbbell exercises.
I haven’t had any problems. I also lift alone in my basement. I eventually had to shell out money for a rack, and I have had my fair share of lower-back issues or whatnot (mostly due to over-zealousness/not minding my form - things that obviously could have been avoided), but I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to teach yourself to squat safely. Just be mindful of depth and don’t be too dogmatic about form (whether it’s squatting A2G, you MUST sit back, etc.) b/c everybody is built differently and we all have different goals. Try out a lot of different things.
Get tight, and limit your depth to a point where you can maintain that tightness in your lower back, so up to the point where your lower back starts to round under is where you stop, use a box if necessary until you feel comfortable with the depth.
Post a video of a near max effort squat in the PL section for feedback, if you are worried about your form. Its not as good as live coaching, but better than nothing.
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
Post a video of a near max effort squat in the PL section for feedback, if you are worried about your form. Its not as good as live coaching, but better than nothing. [/quote]
I was thinking the same thing. I had expected a video with the question.