Teacher Suspended for Being a Porn Star

[quote]TKOWKD1 wrote:
The world is really turning on its head.

Italians decrying pornography as indecent and amoral?

This is really funny, here’s why:
Just 20 years ago they elected to the Italian parliment hard core porn star Cicciolina - Ilona Staller. She went on to have quite a career in politics, music and XXX movies. In the name of peace she even offered to bang Saddam Hussein in 1990 and again in 2002. In April of 2006 she also made this offer to Osama bin Laden.

I lived in Italy in the late 80’s and vaguely remember her crazy antics in the parliment; public flashings etc. There was even an instance where she squatted and pissed on another parliment member. I miss Bella Italia.

Well, this is my random fact for the day…As they say “you learn something every day.”

[quote]Hagar wrote:
Bujo wrote:
Hagar wrote:
Who wants this slut bag teaching their kids? I hope she’s never able to teach again.

Reading comprehension is not your strength.

Five years ago Ciriani was transferred from her post as teacher of Italian literature in a secondary school in the north-eastern town of Pordenone after students covered the toilets with nude photos of her downloaded from the Internet.

Since then she has been giving evening classes to foreign adult students in a nearby town.

At the time of this article she had been teaching adults.

Personlly, I am a big fan of porn, and would not have issues with her teaching children as the two subjects are not related. Its called “compartmentalization”. As I have seen a woman be a great mother, be a great nurse, and be a great stripper, I’m sure another woman can be both a great litature teacher and a great porn star.

Whatfuckn ever. So I didn’t read the whole thing. Who’s gives a shit except you? How about I rephrase; I hope she’s never able to teach kids again. Not someone I’d ever want influencing my children. If anyone wants this woman teaching their kids then they’re nuts. [/quote]

your assumption that a pornstar = bad teacher is a logical fallacy so look who you are calling nuts here.

[quote]Egilll wrote:
your assumption that a pornstar = bad teacher is a logical fallacy so look who you are calling nuts here.[/quote]

What, you think your fucking Spock? Take your logical fallacy and stick it up your ass. Its a bunch of souless crap you learned in some classroom twisted to suit your own reality. Yes I’ll say it “I DON’T WANT A PORNSTAR TEACHING CHILDREN” You have to be the biggest fucking idiot to disagree with me. I don’t even want to argue it.

[quote]Hagar wrote:
Egilll wrote:
your assumption that a pornstar = bad teacher is a logical fallacy so look who you are calling nuts here.

What, you think your fucking Spock? Take your logical fallacy and stick it up your ass. Its a bunch of souless crap you learned in some classroom twisted to suit your own reality. Yes I’ll say it “I DON’T WANT A PORNSTAR TEACHING CHILDREN” You have to be the biggest fucking idiot to disagree with me. I don’t even want to argue it.
Why don’t you try to put yourself in her situation (which might be hard for you since that doesn’t seem to be a quality you possess). Let’s say you were fired from work because you like to lift weights in your freetime. I’m pretty sure you would think that is very stupid (I was going to say “logical fallacy” but decidet to dumb it down a little by using the words “very stupid” to awoid brain overload) as lifting weights, which is something you do while you are not at work, has nothing to do with how good you are at your job and I bet you would be very frustrated and think it is very unfair that you would be fired if that would happen to you,… and yet you can’t see that the same applies to the pornstar and her teaching. If she would be teaching naked and using a dildo to point at the teacher board I could see your point, but fact is, you don’t know her and don’t have a clue and won’t even give her the benefit of doubt which is very unfair on her behalf. Well one thing is for sure,… a close minded, judgemental, profanity spewing guy is not someone I would like to be teaching and/or be around anyone’s kids.

What’s so bad about being judgmental? Being neutral and indecisive on every thing is the easy way out. In no way am I without compassion, I just don’t tolerate some things. This is over the line for me. I have a strong set of values and thats why I’m judgmental. Most people have different values. Some have more and some have less and some have none.

And for the record I don’t cuss at all during my classes. I teach kids too:)

[quote]Hagar wrote:
What’s so bad about being judgmental? Being neutral and indecisive on every thing is the easy way out. In no way am I without compassion, I just don’t tolerate some things. This is over the line for me. I have a strong set of values and thats why I’m judgmental. Most people have different values. Some have more and some have less and some have none.

And for the record I don’t cuss at all during my classes. I teach kids too:) [/quote]

Not being judgemental doesn’t mean that you are taking the easy way out (not to mention that people often tend to overcomplicate things because of “the more the better” principle which is only true in some cases). You can be aware of the probabilities that a person could have certain traits based on some things in his/her life without being judgemental. And quite the contrary it is often harder to be on the fence and try to see the truth in regards to a certain person by using logical thinking instead of putting him/her into a group based on preconvinced notions (stereotypes etc.). Especially in the context that most people have a tendency to categorize things into black & white, I think it is important to be open minded, not be quick on passing judgement, think about the reasoning behind your values/opinions and be vary of how your mind can play you (which ain’t easy and very few people are good at) often making you totally unaware of your own bias.

(btw, thinks for not turning this into a flame fest)

[quote]Egilll wrote:

Not being judgemental doesn’t mean that you are taking the easy way out (not to mention that people often tend to overcomplicate things because of “the more the better” principle which is only true in some cases). You can be aware of the probabilities that a person could have certain traits based on some things in his/her life without being judgemental. And quite the contrary it is often harder to be on the fence and try to see the truth in regards to a certain person by using logical thinking instead of putting him/her into a group based on preconvinced notions (stereotypes etc.). Especially in the context that most people have a tendency to categorize things into black & white, I think it is important to be open minded, not be quick on passing judgement, think about the reasoning behind your values/opinions and be vary of how your mind can play you (which ain’t easy and very few people are good at) often making you totally unaware of your own bias.

(btw, thinks for not turning this into a flame fest)[/quote]

I don’t view my self as close minded. I was unsure of many things for many years. A lot of my views were based on friends, family, bumper stickers, band lyrics, college professors, etc. Very little thought was put into developing my value system. At 25 I started to really develop this. I got into reading, discussing and listening to both sides of the coin. In a way I opened my mind.

After a while I questioned my liberal upbringing and the views I held. Threw sensible argument and with an honest open mind, I found my values. You could say I just made up my mind on certain issues. So you could say I’m closed minded but I don’t think thats always a bad thing. Only the words have a negative stigma that goes along with it. Really, what is “close minded” what’s good about it and what’s bad.

[quote]Hagar wrote:
Egilll wrote:

Not being judgemental doesn’t mean that you are taking the easy way out (not to mention that people often tend to overcomplicate things because of “the more the better” principle which is only true in some cases). You can be aware of the probabilities that a person could have certain traits based on some things in his/her life without being judgemental. And quite the contrary it is often harder to be on the fence and try to see the truth in regards to a certain person by using logical thinking instead of putting him/her into a group based on preconvinced notions (stereotypes etc.). Especially in the context that most people have a tendency to categorize things into black & white, I think it is important to be open minded, not be quick on passing judgement, think about the reasoning behind your values/opinions and be vary of how your mind can play you (which ain’t easy and very few people are good at) often making you totally unaware of your own bias.

(btw, thinks for not turning this into a flame fest)

I don’t view my self as close minded. I was unsure of many things for many years. A lot of my views were based on friends, family, bumper stickers, band lyrics, college professors, etc. Very little thought was put into developing my value system. At 25 I started to really develop this. I got into reading, discussing and listening to both sides of the coin. In a way I opened my mind.

After a while I questioned my liberal upbringing and the views I held. Threw sensible argument and with an honest open mind, I found my values. You could say I just made up my mind on certain issues. So you could say I’m closed minded but I don’t think thats always a bad thing. Only the words have a negative stigma that goes along with it. Really, what is “close minded” what’s good about it and what’s bad.


Close mindedness is not being ready to recieve new ideas which is generally a bad thing because if you are not receptive to new ideas and have already made up your mind you are more likely to do things that affect your or someone else’s life in a negative way.