It’s a double standard because it IS a different situation with a VERY different reality. A girl that age being preyed upon by an older teacher would likely have problematic issues well into adulthood from the experience. A young guy who was boinking a hot chick like Debra LaFavre will just be left with some cool stories to tell his friends once he gets to college. Sorry, but I don’t see it as being remotely harmful in that case. The gender differences ARE real.
Look, my point is simple . . . I wish a hot female teacher banged the hell out of me when I was in junior high.
[quote]Panther1015 wrote:
I agree that it’s different and I’m not advocating equality (I’m a firm believer AGAINST gender equality because men and women are inherently different). Still, that doesn’t merit condoning what this woman did and being able to get lots of women doesn’t necessarily equate to a healthy mental state.
Here’s a good article TC wrote on the subject a while back. Interesting stuff!
Some of the replies are even more interesting.
[quote]Nate Green wrote:
Here’s a good article TC wrote on the subject a while back. Interesting stuff!
Although the female teachers having sex with male student stories get all the press, I know for a fact that a lot more male teachers do the same thing.
Several of the phys ed teaches at my junior high would ‘keep in touch’ with any of the hotter girls as they went into high school and talk about taking them to the bars when they hit legal drinking age (18 in this country). These guys would basically harvest pussy, right under the noses of the parents. Yeah, it’s shocking when female teachers sleep with students, but I would bet my bottom dollar that a lot more male teachers are doing it and getting away with it… even though it might be less perverted to let them grow up a little first.
These double standards encroach on aspects of society where they shouldn’t. Case-in-point the legal system and its unfair discrimination against competent fathers from having equal custody of their child/children in the wake of a divorce. There was another Atomic Dog article where he quoted Captain Picard saying “the line must be drawn HERE”. This is where I draw the line. Enough is enough. I’m tired of the feminist favortism.
keeps a running tally of coach/teacher student escapades. There were so many in the years past that they number them. Check the archives for last year. I think they were in the 200’s. Already off to a great start this year too.
[quote]nephorm wrote:
Did you hear that there was another student who had sex with his teacher? Authorities found out after he went home and told his mother, who immediately became furious. His father, on the other hand, laughed it off (that double standard) and took the kid out to buy a new bike!
The father offered to let the son ride it home from the store, but the son declined, saying “Naw, dad, my ass still hurts.”[/quote]
That’s a classic, I’ll have to remember it.
28 times in one week, thats 4 times a day! Nothing wrong with that kids T-count.
[quote]nephorm wrote:
Did you hear that there was another student who had sex with his teacher? Authorities found out after he went home and told his mother, who immediately became furious. His father, on the other hand, laughed it off (that double standard) and took the kid out to buy a new bike!
The father offered to let the son ride it home from the store, but the son declined, saying “Naw, dad, my ass still hurts.”[/quote]
LMAO - So wrong, but so funny.
I question the 28 times thing. Are we talking actual sexual intercourse or 28 seperate times that involved behavior that was sexual and criminal, i.e. oral sex, fondling?
Not sure about Deleware law, but in Texas, she’d have a seperate charge for each instance, each one a first degree felony, same level as murder.
[quote]SLERG wrote:
It still doesn`t solve the double standard issue,[/quote]
I agree, she meets both my standards - a nice face and a nice bod.
…with me for 48-72 hours. I’m hot for teacher.
Yucky gross!!! She’s fat AND ugly! Forget that crap; stupid kid, no taste @ all.
28 times … so … they kept count???
Maybe the kid was putting notches on his belt
Were all 28 times on the insistence of the woman? did the kid initiate any of them?
No doubt that kid will be headed for life as a pornstar
Which actually pays pretty well
Maybe the teacher gained a lot of weight since the investigation started
Debra is stunning, screw the double standard. It exists. Deal with it. What kid would have regrets over her. Unless she chopped his willy off.
I’ve been hit on by female students. Once, as a graduate student, one young lady made a point of walking behind me and showing me where the ‘wild goose goes’!
I also have had (twice) young women walk into my office (while teaching at university), close the door and say, “I’ll do absolutely anything for an ‘A’.”
Damn ethics!!
28 times, she must have been deperate, but then looking at the photo, im not surprised.
Now, if you would have given them an A, couldn’t you have “called in a favor” when you quit teaching?
[quote]vaughn5000 wrote:
Yeah, they should all look like Debra Lafave!!!
Fuckin’ hot.[/quote]
Couldn’t agree more. I’m sure she could have taught me a lot about adult education.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
I also have had (twice) young women walk into my office (while teaching at university), close the door and say, “I’ll do absolutely anything for an ‘A’.”
Ok… paint my house.