Tattoos, Who's Got'em...

[quote]GrumpyChris wrote:
tattooing yourself is usually like giving yourself a haircut…most of the time its not a good idea… so, none of these are by me. you can see the work i have done at [/quote]

Yeah, That’s what I have experienced. It’s funny, some of the best tattoo artist I know have really horrible tats themselves. the ones you have all look really good though.

Checked out your galleries. Stuff looks real nice.

Hi! I’ve got a couple - I’m currently 10hours into a half body suit (I think thats what its called) Eventually I’ll have from under my arm down to my knee covered. Anyway here are a couple photos. My back, the symbols are meant to be my kids names in chinese and yes, I am waiting to find out it doesnt mean that…The tribal was one I re-drew to suit me;

This is the bigger version of my avatar - I drew this one myself;

I had my tattoo artist design up the next stage - which are 3 flowers, I’ve had the outline and the peony got coloured last week, I go in next week to get the other two (a japanese chysanthenum and a lotus) coloured, then 2 weeks later I get the background filled in. Sorry for the wierd angles on these ones, Its surprisingly hard to take a photo of your own back :slight_smile:

Another of the peony - you can see part of the lotus too - the chyrsantheneum (sp?) is on the front on my stomach.