I’m planning my first cycle of Test and Dbol and I want to make good strength and hypertrophy gains. Would PHAT be the best program to support me in my goals, and/ or is there a program similar to PHAT that I can look into?
You have asked this same fucking question 3 different times now and have gotten the same answer every time. What are your current stats because honestly if your having such a hard time with programming and taking advice your probably not ready to be running gear any way.
[quote]Reed wrote:
You have asked this same fucking question 3 different times now and have gotten the same answer every time. What are your current stats because honestly if your having such a hard time with programming and taking advice your probably not ready to be running gear any way.[/quote]
[quote]Suffokate wrote:
I’m planning my first cycle of Test and Dbol and I want to make good strength and hypertrophy gains. Would PHAT be the best program to support me in my goals, and/ or is there a program similar to PHAT that I can look into?[/quote]
I’ve seen you post this question another time. You’re NOT ready for a cycle! It sounds like you have NO clue how to train at all
Start from the basics; eating to grow, and stimulating your body effectively. IMO there is NO best program, not based on bodytype, training experience
The training program you are able to put the most effort into will make you grow the most
Now…run away for awhile and come back when you’ve gained some life experience; this shit isn’t just a theory