T2/3/4 + Test P


I want to use a T2/3/ or 4 product to help me lose fat during my cut, but i’m worried about the muscle loss everyone is talking about.

My question:

  1. what kind of T (2, 3 or 4) is best for losing fat and has the least catabolic effect?
  2. what is the minimum dose of Test P I should take to cancel the catabolic effect with a mild anabolic?

I’m 32, long training history. Had 2 cycles during my life (first Test E only, second Test E + frontload dbol). Because of some medication I needed to take during a few years, it has become very hard to lose fat (even with Low carb diets/30 min cardio a day etc). Intermittent fasting is not my thing, because hunger does make me very irritated.

Thanks for the info