First, it was adorable the way you posted in that thread and pretended you didn’t know her. Definitely constructive, necessary, and helpful.
Second and more importantly…
Sure seems like she was happy with the quality of info that was offered by the half-dozen members that chose to reply. Looking quickly at the other replies there, looks like pretty much every issue she brought up was addressed.
Please remember, this is Testosterone Nation. Women are and always have been absolutely welcome, but they’ll always be the minority. Dudes probably aren’t posting in the Yoga Journal forum asking how to increase their deadlift. Or if they do, they understand that it’s a reach, because the question is tangentially related to the forum’s primary topic and demographic.
If you’re saying the Powerful Women forum doesn’t provide good info, you don’t know what you’re talking about. For sure there’s not as much traffic there as other sections, but the women who do post advice are all solid and know their shit. They also recently started a thread discussing Hormones, Periods, and Menopause that might have some info you can use. But in general, your best shot at specifically discussing TRT info is in this section.
If you’re looking for much more specific for women from women, especially with the niche-within-a-niche that’s TRT for females, I’m sure Google can help.