[quote]Edevus wrote:
Jasmincar, how often do you deal with 3-5 years old kids?
Can you “suggest” them stuff? They “suggest there can be three moms”.
I’m trying to write a post about it, but I can’t find the right words or ways to explain it, but if you suggest a little boy to play with dolls, he’s most likely to do it. In most cases, they have learned that these teachers are the authority and they will somewhat obeey. If the teachers, with really good intentions, “suggest” that the boy can play with dolls or play the “kitchen”, he will do it. But is it what he really wants?
When I was 5 I started at school and we had like, few lessons to learn to write properly and all that, then also playtime. I remember quite clearly how I was playing with construction tools and with cars and there were some other boys besides me and one girl. I’m sure that we picked what we wanted, without anyone giving “suggestions”. But what if the teacher had “suggested” that boys go play with dolls and girls with cars? Most would have taken that route, since we were obedient.
Then, I can’t remember how old I was (9 probably), but I was at my uncle’s place (Norway, so you know, gender equality at its finest) and his wife suggested that I could play with her little daughter’s Barbies and stuff. And so I did. Dressing them up and stuff…but I eventually brought one of my monster toys and played to scare and undress the barbies.
I really remember this because they are some early memories. In kindergarden I picked a police car to play with and I always wanted the same car. I remember going to this big shop with my parents and some relatives to find a similar one to buy me…but we couldn’t find. It was like this : http://www.movievehicles.co.uk/car%20pics%20for%20new%20website/DSCF5809.JPG
So, I don’t believe in “suggesting” kids what to play or that there could be three moms.
I honestly think you can suggest kids stuff without him taking it as an obligation.
By pure coincidence I just saw this morning part of a tv show where they said that now more than in the past toys are marketed with gender in mind (for example the barbie bicycle or the spider man bicycle). That wasn’t the case 30-40 years ago where you could find neutral bikes and when little kids where all dressed the same way with dresses.
The was also a experiment where there was a male kid (2-3 years old) was dressed first as a girl and then as a boy. An adult was introduced the room full of toys. What happened is when the kids was dressed as girl, the adult presented him a doll and when he was dressed as a boy, he was presented a toy car.
This is pretty common. I don’t know for you but I am sure this happens for a majority of kids.