i am currently taking Alpha Male and Carbolin 19 and have had good results, i was just wondering if there is another legal supplement out there that would give me better gains?
I suggest that you save your money for some real food my friend! I think all supplements exept a multivitamin a day its just a big vaste of money! Ive been training for 30 years and tried it all, and my conclusion is;It
s not doing much exept from emptying your wallet, and going down the drain! Get this!!! Stay clear and save the money! This is NOT A JOKE guys!!
[quote]Get Real wrote:
I suggest that you save your money for some real food my friend! I think all supplements exept a multivitamin a day its just a big vaste of money! Ive been training for 30 years and tried it all, and my conclusion is;It
s not doing much exept from emptying your wallet, and going down the drain! Get this!!! Stay clear and save the money! This is NOT A JOKE guys!![/quote]
Have you even tried either of these products?
My guess is that you haven’t, because you sound rather ignorant on the topic based on your response.
Why would you assume that the original poster doesn’t already have plenty of food?
Oh yeah, I forgot to add a bunch of exclamation points to show how serious this is!!!
I think he makes a good point of suggesting eating more food. I mean overall, I think thats the best course of action for any person training whether bodybuilder or power lifter. Those supplements by themselves are great, I’ve used them myself. But really they are the cream on the cake. Without a proper diet, he wont be making any great gains in the long run. Supplements can help an already great diet, but shouldnt be a subsitute for a poor one.
Everyone needs to get off the “eat more food” bandwagon. Food is food. People know they need to eat it. You think this guy is starving himself just because he has supplements? You can’t be that ignorant.
To the OP- those are both really great supplements and I imagine are greated stacked. Not being sure of your exact goals or stats, but there isn’t much better for you that is legal.
thanks for your advice, maybe i should have posted my stats first.
height: 5’10
weight: 178
bodyfat: 10
I eat 4000-4500 cal a day.
I am aware of what I need to eat, i was just wondering if there was a better supplement then those 2 to gain more strength and size.
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Everyone needs to get off the “eat more food” bandwagon. Food is food. People know they need to eat it. You think this guy is starving himself just because he has supplements? You can’t be that ignorant.
To the OP- those are both really great supplements and I imagine are greated stacked. Not being sure of your exact goals or stats, but there isn’t much better for you that is legal.[/quote]
Thanks for the advice. sorry i didnt post my stats first.
height: 5’10
weight: 178
bodyfat: 10
i eat 4000-4500 calories a day. i know what to eat just as you stated and was wondering if there were any supplements out there that were better than these 2 for gain size and strength. thanks again.
Well I would add in some Creatine to take advantage of those extra calories. I don’t have much experience with TRIBEX, but I’ve heard it’s pretty good as well.
I might suggest fish oils, and vitamins e and c. Biotest offers a great fish oil product, called Flameout. I also highly reccomend a zinc supplement. I take two GNC zinc 50’s right now, but I will be buying some ZMA from Biotest when I get a credit card here soon.