Summer Program Log

Well, school lifting is over and im gonna keep a log on here for my summer program. Some stats-

Weight-131, lookin for around 140 gotta keep it kind of light for wrestling
Years Training- 3 years

Last max test-
Not sure what my DL is…
Pull ups- 28 not that its a big deal or anything

I found an article on dinosaur training a while back and liked what I saw. They gave some program ideas and i’ve been tweaking them around to find a perfect match. Lookin to incorporate some strongman movements and such as well as kettlebell training, grip training, oly lifts ext. Basically using the big lifts on a regular basis and then constantly changing everything else up to avoid adaptation.

Monday- Spent today trying to get used to the program. School lifting is pussy shit compared to this program.

12@ 115
did pause squats for the last set and it was a bitch

Front Squat-
Tired as hell, skipped Zerchers for now…

Farmers Walk- 75 pound dumbbells, just walked around for a while, dropped them, did it again three times

3X10 @105

Incline DB press-

4X10 weighted
did some calf work after this, threw in some ham curls which is gay as hell but my hamies felt unworked and i couldnt think of anything else at the time

I was pretty damn beat after this. I’m trying to keep my sets and reps different from exercise to exercise for the sake of it not getting boring.

The idea of this program is to constantly mix it up so this day next week I will do box squats, zerchers with a sandbag, and towel pullups. I’ll wait until later before I start messin around to much though.

Couple Questions-
I want to upload some videos on here for form critique, but how do I go about that?

Anyone have any suggestions for some unique lifts whether they be strongman, oly, whatever, to incorporate into the program?

Where can I get a pair of Nike Frees? They weren’t selling them at the local Finish Line, is it an order from website only deal?

Happy Lifting

I love my nike free trainers 5.0 they are at the bottom of the page in white and blue and they’re over 3 years old. AMAZING
and yea that is totally random

Interesting story…

I’ve been lifting at my gym for a year or so now and I know all of the regulars now. Well some new guy joined during the spring and I hadn’t seen alot of him due to me focusing on boxing.

Now I realize I’m a kid. No one really respected or cared about me when I first joined the gym due to my age and the general age and experience of the lifters there. Anyway, I slowly got to know some of the older guys and they helped me out tremendously with my lifting. I can never thank them enough for spending some time teaching me what lifting is really about.

Anyway, this new assfuck walks up to the rack I’m squatting in and watches me squat for two sets. I tried to ignore him but he sat there smirking at me for the longest time and I was getting a little pissed off. Finally he asks me “How old are you”. I say “16”. He says “Get out of this gym, this isn’t a place for kids to be lifting.” Then he walks away.

Sigh, what can ya do… I understand that people are going to automatically think I dont know what I’m doing because I’m a kid. Okay, thats fine, they can have an opinion. And I’ll admit, alot of the time I will have questions on how to do something but people there are generally friendly and will help you out. I just can’t see what the point of this guy acting out like that is.

Can’t do nothing about it though so I’m moving on.

He most likely has no clue what he’s talking about so go find him some time and do the smirking bit and say “this is no place for dumbasses to be training.”

Anyhow, if you don’t want to go past 140 you might want to keep to lower reps. Although, I suppose you’ve been lifting with about that rep scheme all year and not gained much. Just a bit awkward seems more hypertrophy/endurance.

[quote]Skrussian wrote:
He most likely has no clue what he’s talking about so go find him some time and do the smirking bit and say “this is no place for dumbasses to be training.”

Anyhow, if you don’t want to go past 140 you might want to keep to lower reps. Although, I suppose you’ve been lifting with about that rep scheme all year and not gained much. Just a bit awkward seems more hypertrophy/endurance. [/quote]

good point

I actually just started with this rep scheme. It used to be a ridiculous 4X10 but thats school lifting for you. They changed it up every once and a while but it was rare. I like the low rep lifting alot more anyway but I still plan on keeping the higher reps active every once and a while. That depends on what kind of results I start to see though.

I see alot of seemingly bullshit articles on low reps and young age lifters resulting in stunted growth plates. I have yet to see scientific evidence of this yet however. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Good work, you can squat a shitload for being about 130, keep it up

Light day because of exams
No lifting however its a one day of work- one day of rest system
Just did some light jumprope work, sandbag carries, sledgehammer work, and some kettlebell drills… boxed for about an hour to.

Its going to feel good to do some heavy work tomorrow to. I’m still struggling to find a set/rep system that fits best in this program for me however.

Barbell Bench-
I always felt the bench never did really work my chest all that much so i cooled down trying some of the dumbbell chest presses Christian recommended in his latest article.

Clean and Push-
I had no idea what to do for this sets and reps wise so I did 5X5 @115 and it seemed pretty tough

Dumbbell Rows
60 @5X5

Bent over barbell rows-
115 @5X5 gotta work on my form here…

Barbell curls-
75 @3X5 Subbed in some dumbbell curls @35 for the last two

Tried the shoulder press/lateral raise combo Christian talked about in that article for the shit of it… 25 @5X5

Minor Ab work, saving most of it for friday

Overall pretty good lifting day as far as the actual lifting goes. Still think I need to work on a steady sets and reps system even though I like mixing it up alot. The 5 rep system is fun to do though.

Couple Questions:

  1. What is a good set/rep number to go for when doing the Oly combination lifts like the clean and press?

  2. What are some grip training techniques besides deadlifts and grippers?

On a side note, I couldn’t find my usual water bottle I use to mix up my Surge in so I found one in my closet that had been laying around for a good 6 months. You could still see the Surge remnants on it. I took a whiff of that thing and it was by far the rankest thing I’ve ever smelt in my life. Worse than by dogs farts. Seriously it was ridiculous.

Happy Lifting