I have many. Some are close to or verbatim to what was said by the doctor or endo, others are similar or same idea.
Such doctors also practiced for years, worst with endos.
Doctor said:
All of my other patients just take T and do fine.
He never ran into any problems with giving T, or anything like I was talking about.
I was the only one who brought up such ideas and concerns.
When my Estradiol was the low forties pg/mL (lab range: < OR = 39 pg/ML)
Doctor said: Estradiol is slightly high but not much.
When my Free Testosterone was 43.1 pg/mL (lab range: 46.0 - 224 pg/mL) from my doctor’s tests.
Recommended to Endo 1 from my doctor for low T.
Endo 1:
- Said: I’m not testing for testosterone. Blood testing isn’t accurate and you can’t afford the tests.
- Didn’t see anything wrong with my labs that I came with from my other doctor.
- Did not take my low T and my symptoms seriously at all.
- Joked, poked me in my belly button and said: We all get depressed around this age (early 50).
I also noticed at this same time that my nipples were surprisingly larger than usual and sore when I hardly brushed them with my shirt, strange. I am underweight, not overweight, no problem with belly fat.
Endo 1 said: Do your nipples drip?
I said: “No,”
Endo completely ignored it.
(A couple of months later, possibly first time I tested for my estradiol, which was at mid teens pg/mL, so I’m not sure how to explain the nipple problem. This was a month prior to starting TRT.)
Endo 2
I went for low T, and check for all Endo 2 could find out about my whole endocrine heath.
Endo 2 found I have hypercalciuria, which is serious. More on that and so forth in my other posts.
Note: a year prior to seeing Endo 2, I asked for my first Bone Density Test from my PCP for my curiosity. Tests showed I have osteoporosis, which I never knew I had. (Right or wrong, my PCP told me to take Vitamin D, and that was it.)
A year later when I saw Endo 2, I had a Bone Density test which showed my osteoporosis worsening to severe osteoporosis in a year.
Endo 2 said that my osteoporosis is definitely severe, though not as severe as they first though…whatever that means.
I repeatedly told Endo 2 how I also was concerned about my osteoporosis coming from low T, plus worsening as my T worsened.
Endo 2 mostly ignored what I said, my words just went through the air.
Endo 2 was HIGLY perplexed, and many times said:
I CAN’T UNDERSTAND how a man your age has osteoporosis…and why I have osteoporosis.
First tests by Endo 2 (used another testing facility than my PCP) showed:
Free T at 50 (reference range 47 to 244 pcg/mL).
(PSA at 0.7, with no baseline PSA to compare…was written by Endo 2 next to my free T results, though I do to remember her discussing this if she did.)
Endo 2 said of my Free T: Your Free T is low (or sort of low?) but it’s not low.
Endo 2 sent me to her colleague Endo 3 who said:
Low testosterone can cause osteoporosis, but you do not have low testosterone.
Endo 2 tests showed my Free T at 29 pcg/mL (same testing place, reference range 47 to 233 pcg/mL)
The most salient part of this is how Endo 2 acted and looked, and her attitude of reluctance, disgust having to say the following to me of my test results:
You have low testosterone. This and you hypercalcuria are causing your osteoporosis.
I wonder what was causing my severe osteoporosis before a month ago, when it wasn’t from low T - ha!
Endo 2 told me later that she could give me a TINY amount of testosterone.
I decided to go to my PCP, who was at least more open with treating my low T, though I wrote in other posts of how it’s not going well…you know what I mean.