Student in DEA Cell for 5 Days, No Food or Water

[quote]doubleh wrote:
Am I the only one who INSTANTLY got suspicious when the kid and his lawyer claim he ingested meth FOUND IN THE CELL?

Leaving the kid in a cell for 5 days is inexcusable and heads should roll, but methinks there was more to his arrest than just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. To wit: I’ve never heard of the DEA raiding a college party. Not saying it couldn’t happen, but read between the lines.[/quote]

Very good points.

[quote]Explosions wrote:
Wow that was horrible, I hope he sues and swims in a pool of money like Scrooge McDuck. Allot of detail was left out of the story, no one deserves to be treated like that though.[/quote]

I concur the kid needs to get a ton of cash.

What gripes me is YOU AND I — the taxpayers — get to pay for this screw up.

I’d love every DEA agent to get his pay docked proportionately to pay the fine. (And apply this to all government agencies.)

A little personal financial incentive to keep crap like this from happening would be the ticket to getting this stopped.

Hmmm… should I move to Canada or Australia…

[quote]Jewbacca wrote:

[quote]Explosions wrote:
Wow that was horrible, I hope he sues and swims in a pool of money like Scrooge McDuck. Allot of detail was left out of the story, no one deserves to be treated like that though.[/quote]

I concur the kid needs to get a ton of cash.

What gripes me is YOU AND I — the taxpayers — get to pay for this screw up.

I’d love every DEA agent to get his pay docked proportionately to pay the fine. (And apply this to all government agencies.)

A little personal financial incentive to keep crap like this from happening would be the ticket to getting this stopped.[/quote]


[quote]Explosions wrote:
Wow that was horrible, I hope he sues and swims in a pool of money like Scrooge McDuck. Allot of detail was left out of the story, no one deserves to be treated like that though.[/quote]

Bad idea:

On a serious note, I think it’s terrible, but unfortunately him suing will just cost more taxpayer $, and I doubt the feds will reduce the DEA budget by the amount the lawsuit costs.

Edit - damn it someone beat me to both points.

[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:

[quote]doubleh wrote:
To wit: I’ve never heard of the DEA raiding a college party. Not saying it couldn’t happen, but read between the lines.[/quote]

I’m in like a 10,000 student university that’s like an hour from anything significant. The town brings in State Liquor Control, Dept. of Firearms and Tobacco, and state troopers for St. Patty’s Day, and another planned party students set up on facebook last spring. Doesn’t sound too far fetched.[/quote]

SDSU had a huge raid in 2008 or so. Apparently that’s when it stopped being a party school.

[quote]Jewbacca wrote:

[quote]Explosions wrote:
Wow that was horrible, I hope he sues and swims in a pool of money like Scrooge McDuck. Allot of detail was left out of the story, no one deserves to be treated like that though.[/quote]

I concur the kid needs to get a ton of cash.

What gripes me is YOU AND I — the taxpayers — get to pay for this screw up.

I’d love every DEA agent to get his pay docked proportionately to pay the fine. (And apply this to all government agencies.)

A little personal financial incentive to keep crap like this from happening would be the ticket to getting this stopped.[/quote]
If you don’t mind me asking - how is this not criminal?

Why money instead of prison time?

[quote]Explosions wrote:
Scrooge McDuck[/quote]

T-Nation needs more Scrooge McDuck references…

How the hell does one identify meth being on the floor of a jail cell?

Either the kid is an idiot-savant when it comes to drugs, or, he’s a lying sack of shit.

Meth would be the reason for no sleep or appetite.

I don’t really get the meth thing either. If you don’t have any food or water for 5 days, meth is one of the last things you want have.

[quote]imhungry wrote:
How the hell does one identify meth being on the floor of a jail cell?

Either the kid is an idiot-savant when it comes to drugs, or, he’s a lying sack of shit.

Meth would be the reason for no sleep or appetite.[/quote]

None of this makes any sense to me. There is an investigation going on and the DEA did issue a formal apology to the kid about the incident so they obviously did do something wrong, but there has to be way more to this story then the news articles I read. I really want to know why the DEA apparently keeps meth in their holding cells.

In a survival situation, the best practice is to ingest mysterious powders found in your immediate surroundings.

I’d like to know the details behind this fuck up. Maybe it was a Scared Straight program? Bet he won’t be associating with drug dealers anytime soon.

[quote]Dr.Matt581 wrote:

[quote]imhungry wrote:
How the hell does one identify meth being on the floor of a jail cell?

Either the kid is an idiot-savant when it comes to drugs, or, he’s a lying sack of shit.

Meth would be the reason for no sleep or appetite.[/quote]

None of this makes any sense to me. There is an investigation going on and the DEA did issue a formal apology to the kid about the incident so they obviously did do something wrong, but there has to be way more to this story then the news articles I read. I really want to know why the DEA apparently keeps meth in their holding cells. [/quote]


I guess if they can forget PEOPLE in there…

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]Dr.Matt581 wrote:

[quote]imhungry wrote:
How the hell does one identify meth being on the floor of a jail cell?

Either the kid is an idiot-savant when it comes to drugs, or, he’s a lying sack of shit.

Meth would be the reason for no sleep or appetite.[/quote]

None of this makes any sense to me. There is an investigation going on and the DEA did issue a formal apology to the kid about the incident so they obviously did do something wrong, but there has to be way more to this story then the news articles I read. I really want to know why the DEA apparently keeps meth in their holding cells. [/quote]


I guess if they can forget PEOPLE in there…[/quote]

True. I guess the big takeaway from this story is that if you are a meth head and really need a fix, just get arrested by the DEA and they will hook you up.

Yeah, if you’re so bad at your job that you forget another human is locked without food or water for five days, is leaving a bit of meth on the ground really that far of a leap? Just looks like they straight up suck at their job.

The most impressive thing is Chongs arm span.

[quote]Chushin wrote:
I’m shocked.

I mean, how is it that Orion didn’t post this story?[/quote]

rubbing salt in the wound eh?

Meh, I say he only has himself to blame.

If a cop tells you you are free to go, go.