Haha, I feel you nan. Same for us and winters. We’ve got like two months of cool weather before it’s in the hundreds with clouds of mosquitos. I’m curious to see how that Alshrue program works for you.
I’ve never really had to wake up super early besides high school (7:30 am classes, apparently they hate proper development but eh). But a lot of folks I hold in high regard are early risers, and I’d like to become more productive.
Plus, last week I came home after a long day. I left to go train with my dog wanting to hang with me, no dinner started, and wife on the way home. I felt a bit selfish and would have much rather hung out with my family. I figure in the am, I’m not sacrificing quality time with the exception of some time in the late evenings.
Strongman conditioning
110lb kettlebell swings 3x10
Leg press 3x10
Ham curls 3x10
Rope shrug 3x10
AM Workout
531 100 rep challenge (link above)
Front squats / mobility drills
205x10 CAPPED (273 est)
10 SLDL / 10 hanging leg raises (x3), leg raises (x2)
4 big lifts Training Max (2/2/2019):
Deadlift 385
Push press 180
Front squats 255
Bench 220
I chose these four because I feel they’ll have the best carryover, while staying as true as possible to the movement patterns of 531. Also because I can toggle in the 531 strongman programs when I want without having to mess with my main lifts.
I’m not as strong in the mornings, those hanging leg raises were actually rough, got a crazy stretch/pump in the late and triceps. In an out in about 45 minutes.