I’ve seen em, never bothered to find out what it’s about or what it is called because I don’t care for it.
I go to a commercial gym so when a guy comes in looking like a ninja and wearing shades while doing Turkish Get Ups it is weird… geez, shoot me. my bad.
Obsessed means what to you? I go to the gym, I know all the major movements and proper work out techniques and pyramids but I don’t go researching every single type of exercise in existence.
I play the guitar since like 15, but I couldn’t tell you every single scale or musical theory, does that mean I’m not ‘obsessed’ enough?
I’m already overloaded with content and pointless information, I pick and choose what I want to know. But again thanks for making this about me by getting personal.
I no longer lift at a public gym, but when I did there were certainly some characters. There was this older guy that wore cut off blue jean shorts with boots and tall socks, sleeveless shirts and suspenders. His mother dropped him off. I never heard him speak a single word to anyone. Even if you addressed him. He only used dumbbells and lifted with a painfully slow tempo and light weights. The dude was buff as hell!
You don’t need to “research” everything. If you’ve been around weights long enough, you’re exposed to it. Turkish Get Ups aren’t something complex - people in group exercise classes do these.
But picking and choosing what you wanna know is also pretty willfully ignorant.
Dude, not knowing what a TGU or db snatch is a pretty weak criticism. If the guys already meeting his goals, there’s no more reason for him to learn this stuff than there would be for pistol squats.
If you want to pick a fight with him, I’m pretty sure it’s going to kick off again in the 40 year old virgin thread.
It’s that in the world of online forums you have to try and come off like you know everything. It’s not like I haven’t seen those done before, I just never bothered to know what they were called.
I could have googled it, and pretended I knew everything about it, but that’s not what I care to do. I don’t give a fuck what Turkish get ups are, because like you said, I’m meeting most of my goals.
If one day I want to get into doing these exercises I’ll research them.
Pretty much my thoughts. The list of kettlebell movements I intend to do again consists of: swings, maybe snatches/clean and presses, maybe halos but probably not.
That’s the key difference between how you approached it vs how he did. You saw something unfamiliar, you learned about it, and you tried it before deciding it wasn’t for you. You didn’t just dismiss it as “weird stuff” without even looking into it or even knowing what it is.
I don’t do any kettlebell stuff anymore. But I could def see Turkish get ups benefiting me.
dude, maybe you spend too much time online if that triggered you?
in the context of a commercial gym it is in fact a bit out of place. there is nothing controversial about what I said, you simply took offense to the word “weird” which says a lot about you, not me.