@s.gentz makes sense, knees and ankles take a beating at that weight regardless how lean you are I guess. The trail makes the time pass so much easier, looking for trail markers, watching your footing etc. Just way more fun than mindlessly going on the road.
Can’t believe we are in September, starting week 4 of the program today. Big week here ahead of my bachelor party. Obviously will be an off weekend both food and lifting-wise but I am 0% worried since I’ve been so consistent. It’ll be right back to it on Monday.
Sunday 9/1/2024 7:30am Incinerator W4 - Back
Meadows Row 100x8 100x8 100x8 100x7
DB Row 110x8 110x8 120x8 120x8. Honestly misread this was supposed to be 1 arm BB but same idea.
Pulldowns 140x8 180x8 200x7 200x7. Supposed to be wide-grip scapula pulldowns but I couldn’t make that feel right so opted for traditional.
Deadlifts 135x10 225x10 315x20 315x19.
Program called for Reeves deadlifts but we only have bumper plates. Just did some high reps at 315 and it felt awesome to strap up and deadlift AFTER a hard workout. Felt extremely dialed in today to every movement and this was one of the better workouts yet despite straying a bit.
Agree. Nothing better than getting lost(not literally) in the woods for a few hours. Def miss it.
You mountain bike at all?
I did actually get lost once. An eight mile loop turned into and 18 mile odyssey. The was a landslide that wiped out a bunch of the trail and I lost my way and phone gps did not work.
@s.gentz Funny you bring up mountain biking, buying one is on my list. I’m getting married in November so really trying not to purchase much right now. Spring '25 I am thinking either a mountain bike or a gravel bike. I’ve road biked in the past but found it boring (similar to road running) and ended up selling the bike.
I used to love riding. Just don’t have much spare time lately. Between me and the wife we have 6 bikes that don’t get ridden.
Gravel riding is much more fun and challenging. Like road running to trail running.
Rope Pushdowns 65x15 72x15 72x14 72x13
OH Extension 42x10 52x10 57x10 42x25
Dip Machine 160x8 190x8 205x8 205x8
EZ Bar Curls 60s rest 75x10 75x10 75x10 75x10. The rest make these hard.
DB Hammer Curls 45x8 45x8 45x7
Reverse Curls 52xFail x3 sets
Program called for preachers and reverse preachers but I could not get a preacher curl station. Couldn’t believe the crowd this morning on a holiday. Still got it in and had fun! Will run later on today.
Legs tomorrow is the last session of week 4! Little break then back to it next Monday. Have to say, even on a bodybuilding program, I am getting so much stronger. Eating really works….
DB Incline Press 85x8 90x8 95x7. Happy with this. Have never touched 95s on incline.
BB Incline 185x5 205x5 205x5 205x4 185x5
Cables Flyes 100x15 drop 67x15 drop 40x15
Stretch Push-ups 1xMax
Side Delts DB 25x10 25x10 25x10 25x10. Kept form really tight today and felt them a lot.
BB front raised 4x8-10 @ 45lbs
Face Pulls 4x15
Month start photo check-in. 6 months to the day progress pic, left is from 3/3/24. Happy with the progress!!! Have been solid with the diet. Not really straying much. This weekend will be the first blowout in a few months then it’s all business until the wedding.
Happy with the progress of this Meadows program too, only 4 weeks in. Weight is sitting at 193.7 7-day average, compared to 192.5 when I started. but virtually no fat gain and I think I look leaner. Will check back in with photo progress come October but wanted to get this up so I can get all these shirtless photos off my camera roll
Felt a pop in my groin on an RDL today and it kind of psyched me out. I didn’t continue the workout after, just kind of mentally took me out of it. I’m fine now that I’m back home and walking around but it just threw me off for some reason.
Back to it Monday. Not sure if I’ll repeat this workout then start W5 or just continue on. Will check in on everyone’s logs Sunday night!!
Wednesday 9/4/2024 11:00am Incinerator W4 - Legs
Leg Curls 60s rest 110x10 120x10 125x10
Squats 245x10 275x10 305x10
RDL 275x8 295x8 315x1, killed the workout here.
@T3hPwnisher I ended up buying Mass Protocol. Didn’t realize it was only $9.99. It’s an interesting book!!
I loved Specificity Bravo (basically A/B days 2x each per week) and also love the Bulgarian cluster he outlined. Either would be cool to try out for a 6 week period, which I probably will around the holidays. Seems like a good program to run when things get busy. As the book says, go cyborg mode and just follow the program as outlined.
Base building and general mass didn’t catch my attention too much. But the book is tailored for guys who have more active jobs than I do, so maybe it would make sense for some.
Also found the nutrition to be broken down in a nice simple way. especially the Iron Mike section. I know you eat differently than he recommends, but I found the simplification helpful as a carb eater, especially the macro breakdown.
Pop in the groin? That sounds pretty crazy! Personally, I think you could just move on Monday, although this was a pretty crazy fun and hard leg day, probably the best one so far if you do decide to finish it out
I think I’ll finish it out just because of that. Honestly I started out really strong too, 305x10 is huge for me. I’m sore this morning from half the workout!
Hey great to hear dude! I’m really enjoying it as well. I’m a fan of the author. Great writing style. I’m not finished yet, but it sounds like I have a good amount to look forward to. It’s funny: Alpha called out to me more than Bravo, and I liked General Mass Building, haha. Different strokes.
First day back post-bachelor party! Good to get back into it, although definitely was not 100% today. Had to make some substitutions in the program today since the gym was crowded.
Likely no lift tomorrow or Wednesday due to my work schedule but should be able to get conditioning in.
Hammer Strength Flat 275x8 275x8 275x6
Flat Bench 95x8 135x8 155x8 185x8 195x8 200x8 205x6
Dips +25x8 x8 x8. Focused on going really deep and squeezing hard at the top. Felt these nicely in the chest.
Stretch Pushups 1xMax
DB Side Raises 30x8 30x8 30x8 drop 20x8 drop 10x8
Reverse Pec Deck 3x25
Ended up WFH today so got to lift. Fun back day! A couple adjustments based on what was available at the gym.
Tuesday 9/10/2024 11:45am Incinerator W5 - Back
Leg Lifts 4xFail
DB Row 100x10 100x10 100x10 100x10. Could have gone heavier but these were still hard sets. Tried to keep really tight form.
Hammer Strength Rows 225x8 275x8 315x7 315x7
Pull-ups BWx8 BWx8 BWx10 BWx10
Shrugs 3x10 @ 275
Back Extensions 2x20
Will get in either a weighted vest walk or a trail run after work.