Stopped TRT Due to Low Libido and ED

Thats one of the most disingenuous statement that i’ve ever heard a doctor say.

Does it help everybody? No, sometimes there are problems that arent related to testosterone.

But that comment is ridiculous enough for me to go to a different doctor if they’re just going to lie to my face like that.

SL is correct that many other factors can be at play.

I’m not a perfect specimen of health, but I’m not a fat slug, either. Average middle american guy a couple years older than you.

My experience with TRT has been yes, better libido and erections. Both seemed to come and go in waves at first. 3 weeks in it was like someone flipped a switch from eunuch to porn star. After a few days…(cue the debbie downer music). After a few rounds of that I added cialis to the mix and I’ve been happy ever since.

I will say that even before the cialis, I went from “Huh…can’t remember the last time I had morning wood” to “Fuck’s sake, that’s enough already.”…waking up damn near every day with some of the strongest hard-ons of my life. Morning wood, 3AM wood, nap in front of TV wood, wood wood wood.

My ED had fallen into a vicious circle of weak performance one time breeding stress in the future etc. Without going fully into the rabbit hole, sex had become a weird rigid ritual I had to micromanage in order to be hard enough to do the deed when she was ready, but not so stimulated I went off too soon. It got to be so much thought/work and inconsistency that THAT was killing my libido.

Past several months now have been…just perfect. Everything just works every time. No stress, no ED, no performance anxiety, no risk of PE…I hope it keeps going and I wish all guys would have this kind of result,

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Whats your protocol?

I don’t seem to be too sensitive to protocol, and scientifically most people shouldn’t. I know some people are, for whatever reason. I was doing 100mg/wk (T-Cyp) split to daily doses for quite a while. I went to a 3.5 day split and didn’t notice anything subjectively different. I’m currently experimenting at 170/wk (still split 2x) looking to see if there’s any range that works better or worse for me.

Odds are I could do it once a week and not notice a difference and I may experiment with that too.

This deserves to be in the “stupid things doctors say” thread.

Testosterone is what gives a man his sexual characteristics and desire for sex. So without testosterone there is no desire for sex and therefore no libido.

If ED is the result of low-T, than it will cure ED.

That sounds a lot like what I went through. Has anyone else has good results on try with libido and erections or anyone’s got worse? I don’t want to go through the same thing as last time.

Get a better doc this time friend. 100mg rarely works for anyone. You need to get yourself up to a good dose and do not take an AI.

The guys who normally complain of symptoms like these are keeping their estrogen low.

All the studies pertaining to TRT show that estrogen is the reason we have such great libido and other benefits like good lipids and cardio protective benefits.

The doctor is a fucking idiot. Im simply amazed. I wish I could speak to him face to face and ask him how he got his license. What a fucking moron. Straight up.

I mean T doesn’t cure all issue with libido, but if you have LOW t and loss of libido, TRT will help. Unless there are underlying issues. Then you would keep the trt rolling and fix those other issues, because without T you dont have libido. Without libido why would I want to get hard and hump my woman.

My god he didn’t say that. You sure you didn’t misunderstand him. Amazeball guys. im literally so dumbfounded a doctor would say this. Is it a she and not a he or what?

He did say it. iv seen several articles where iv read that have been saying it. I dont believe it but i think thats where some of the doctors are getting it. I read one today that said only half the people had fixed ED issues with test. I have to renew my perscription and he was quite reluctant and then told me TRT probably wouldnt help. My total test is under 300 and my free T is low as well

I’m sure at least a portion of the cases where TRT didn’t help was due to horrible protocols. I don’t know a lot of people that would actually feel better on the standard single 100 or 200mg injection every other week.

If T is that low and you’re having symptoms… it’s very likely TRT will help. At the very least, it’s worth a real trial of several months to let things stabilize so you can see where you end up.

You do know the majority of TRT clients are on weekly protocols? And the majority of them don’t post online as they have no reason to.


Weekly I could buy works for quite a few, but with every other week I’ve just seen so many people post about being up and down and all over the place that I can’t see it being a good baseline protocol to study whether TRT helps libido or not.

I do understand your point though… people that are happy with it aren’t on here complaining.

im going to give it another go. im going to start 150mg cyp a week.sub q injections daily. hope it helps libido and ed not to mention the other low t symptoms iv been feeling