you wisdom is a breath of fresh air mate! i have run only one cycle of test e for 12 weeks with awesome results, i used an ai through out and up until my pct which consisted of the standard 4 week process involving clomid and nolva. unfortunately i had not done enough research to determine whether it was to be used on cycle or on pct?
i have made sure i have everything in order once again yet i was hoping to add prop into a 12 week test e cycle… where by i would maybe then finish with prop to reduce time before pct? here i am also confused… your great patience and wisdom is respected and i really want to do this right i feel like i have done a lot but i still need that expert critique and experience and any help would be greatly appreciated… if you want my stats ill send them
I’m what you would call a newbie so please excuse me if the questions I’m about to ask seems stupid. I just wanna get a few opinions on the cycle I’m about to go on. Well more specifically what I will be taking. I’ve got 10ml Super Test 320 by PGW, 10ml Teston C250 (testosterone vypionate) and Turinabol oral anabolic. My goal is to gain the most amount of Lean Mass with the Least amount of water retention. Is what I have suffient? If not what other options do I have? Is there any pre cycle preparation I should know about? Cause I’ve heard things like I need to have a multivatimin injection before I start the cycle. This is all new to me cause I’ve always trained naturally.
I just want to cycle once. I would like to know what percentage of gains will I be able to keep once I am off cycle with my natural test levels if I workout and diet consistently post cycle?
Hey guys! New on here…I have a quick question. I’ve read and researched, I have a great lifting routine down to a T, I’ve been training for years, I’m 6’4" and 285, I’m 30, and I have pretty good eating habits. My question is; I feel ready to do a cycle I have the gear and plan to do a ten week Test-e 500/wk with a dbol kick start wks 1-4. I have my pct all worked out.
My goal is to do a carb cycling diet to burn some body fat and increase athletic ability without losing to much muscle mass and weight throughout the cycle. Do you guys think everything is solid and my expectations are realistic? My body fat% isn’t 5% and I’ve read if your body fat isint low enough you’ll experience negative effects? Thank you in advance for input!
THANK YOU FOR THIS! I was considering starting a cycle to “jump start” my training. There are endless articles both for and against the use of “gear” in training. Reading this from someone who uses led me to choose the natural path before even considering any foreign chemicals. This article should be at the front page of any “steroid” google search. Who knows how many lives it could save.
This sticky is meant to be informative. For you to learn. It is not a place to get advice on your cycle. Don’t post your cycle here. Read this sticky, learn from it, then post a new thread with your cycle.
Two reasons.
This is informative and doesn’t need to jammed up with a bunch of new cycles.
Many of the veterans don’t come back here and look for new cycles. You won’t get much help posting them here.
Start a new thread. It will come up at the top of the steroids forum and the veterans will read it there.
This would be my absolute first time even considering test injections. I am 25 and I have been working out for 13 years, pretty consistent actually. I believe I have gotten as far as i could with my body, its gotten to the point where I max out and end up either getting tendonitis of the elbow, wrist pain, shoulder pain, and Ive had my form observed by a legit body building trainer, so I believe my genetics are preventing from advancing.
I haven’t made any physical changes in about 2 years. I’m starting to get frustrated. I picked up some vials of Testroprim-D (I know, I know, its terrible gear, but it works) this is my first time inquiring even on a forum about this. I don’t get the terminology and acronyms on some of these things you mentioned (I believe Im below newbie here lol) But the gear I have contains:
200mg Enanthe & 50mg Propionate (Planning on just taking 1 vial a week)
I also picked up a bottle of estrogen blockers as well.(dont know if I need to take it before or after my cycle, or while doing my cycle)
This is all I have. With all that said. Ive been working out for 13 years and I feel I capped out. You recommend that we don’t start this 25 and under. Im 25 and healthy, just not making any gains. I apologize for the novel, but I just want you to get an idea of where I come from and my intentions to see what you would advise, as you seem very knowledgeable.
Any information you provide would be awesome. For those who read this and want to say that my question has already been answered blah blah, I apologize. it looks like when it comes to this topic Im getting so many different answers. So I decided to sign up on this forum just to ask this question.
Hey bud. Thought this may help you. People here are really helpful so start your own thread.
[quote]eatmorefood wrote:
This sticky is meant to be informative. For you to learn. It is not a place to get advice on your cycle. Don’t post your cycle here. Read this sticky, learn from it, then post a new thread with your cycle.
Two reasons.
This is informative and doesn’t need to jammed up with a bunch of new cycles.
Many of the veterans don’t come back here and look for new cycles. You won’t get much help posting them here.
Start a new thread. It will come up at the top of the steroids forum and the veterans will read it there.[/quote]
hey i was planning to start my new cycle but i dont want to take only test e and i am more on endomorph side so i was planning test prop with masteron prop, so is it smart or not??.. I am totally new to this so any advice would be appreciated. thanks
As a newbie to this aspect of lifting I want to thank you. I must admit that it is hard to find concrete answers like the one you have posted here. This has been the most beneficial information I have read to date. Too often the posts here at T-Nation are full of trolls and flamers and for good reason. Because of those 16 y/o looking for a “super stick” combination.
I’m 35 and consider my strength average, body average, fuck man I’m just average. I’m only interested in seeing where I can go from here.
The general outline you have provided is awesome. Thank-you.
WHEW ! All I have is a simple question.I am 61,am I too old to do a cycle? Is there an age cutoff. I am healthy and never touched the stuff-My username is a nickname started by jelous guys who think I do ! -I’ve never really considered but so many are now saying I look so good,what would I look like if…
Ok, So I’m new here and new to this stuff in general, 28 y/o on first cycle. I’m putting this here so I don’t start a pointless thread for nothing and because I figure people coming here are ready for questions that they may feel are repetitive.
I met a guy who put me in contact with some test e and I’ve been doing it at 300mg/week. He told me to start at that level to feel out how my body reacts. I’m on week 7 of 10 weeks and around week 5 my nipples were constantly itchy and tender. I call up the guy and he tells me a place where I can find exemestane and says take 12.5mg on mon, wed and fri. I do it but my nipples start growing so I started browsing online and see SERM’s are what I need, so I go to the same place and get some tamoxifen and do 40mg ED and up the exemestane to 12.5 ED on the 4th day all abnormalities go away. So on the 5th day I think “I better not kill my estrogen levels, the stuff I’ve read says that’s terrible”
So I cut the exemestane back to mon, wed, fri and drop the tamoxifen to 20mg ED. After about 3 days my pecs are aching for no apparent reason and I look in the mirror, they’re abnormally puffy and enlarged I bumped myself back to 12.5mg exemstane ED and 40mg tamoxifen ED about 3 days ago and I the pain/tenderness is noticeably lessened.
How would you guys recommend I proceed? My guy told me to go back online and order letro but I’m wondering if I can use the stuff I’ve already paid $150 for instead of buying something new.
Thanks for any replies and sorry if this seems like some dumb shit you’ve heard a million times over.
I am about 40 , and weigh 185 lbs , 5’11" , training for about 3 years now .
I work about 5-6 days in week which is a mix of weight ( 1 hour ) & cardio ( HIIT / Steady - 15-25 minutes ).
My last ( First that I ever took ) cycle was :
TEST E - 120 + Deca 110 eod - 12 weeks
Tren - 135 + cyp 120 - eod - 12 weeks
Dbol - 120 to kick start the cycle for 4 weeks
I finished this with PCT in Nov last year .
Hoping to gain some quality muscle while shredding and hence seeking suggestions for cycle .