[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
sasquatch wrote:
So what about the speech?
Now that you’ve gotten your obligatory negative Bush–horrible speaker–blahblahblahbullshit out of the way, anything real to say.
What about the fuel initiatives?
See below.
What about permanent tax relief?
Between the debt and cutting taxes during a war, I don’t think this is going anywhere. Its got to be repaid somehow.
What about The effort to scale back the hatred and work together?
Same old rhetoric from his bullshit “compassionate conservative” days. If he stops pursuing the psychotic neocon agenda, maybe the hatred wouldn’t be there in the first place. However, he has shown that he is a divider, not a uniter. Nice idea. He won’t make it happen. He’s a day late and a millionaire’ tax cut short.
What about entitlement spending?
Cutting social security? He’d love to get rid of it, which I am firmly against. Medicare? Medicaid?
Don’t talk to me about all this shit when we are financing an unnecessary war where billions upon billions are being spent. Free the Iraqis? Rather than put the money back into social security? Isn’t money that is put into social security put back into the economy by seniors anyway?
Maybe he should’ve thought of all this shit before he ran the debt up with tax cuts and foriegn wars.
It just seems noone on this board wants to actually talk politics. Talk about potential solutions. It boils down to what party are you, who did you vote for, oh–you must be a frickin’ moron.
No one person or party is going to change the quagmire we are in. We need tough decisions and we need to take a little hit too right this ship. I wish the two parties could find at least 1-2 items they agree on and begin to propose solutions.
As long as people can back it up, I don’t care who they vote for. Each side has valid points, especially in from an economic standpoint. But it seems many times that Republicans want to put all the blame for everything on the Democrats not cooperating. Well of course they’re not cooperating! George II is trying to gut social security! What kind of liberal or leftist agrees with taking away the thing that keeps seniors above the poverty line?
Fuel initiative.
I would love to see hydrogen cars by 2010. Is that pie in the sky? Probably, but if we never set some goals, we are surely never going to move forward with any resolve. Hell with coal and that right now. If we cut our automobile (oil) use in 1/2 over the next 4-5 years how much better off would we be. Wouldn’t hurt our
?supposed? global warming either.
Either Zap or Zeb said once long ago that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. There will be big push for hybrid/hydorgen cars until oil is 1) over 4 dollars a gallon regularly or 2)there is no oil left. That’s it. Bush, being an oilman, is not going to hurt that industry. He would much rather spew the propaganda, then let a future president deal with the shitstorm.
I need an economist to step in on the taxes. We are so over taxed I believe we could live with some permanent relief, but what do we then give up. There is enmough pork around to easily lower taxes and not suffer servicewise.
I don’t mind taxes. Now, I don’t pay property taxes, but I know they are very high (at least in NJ). However, the standard of living is high, so it evens out.
I agree that there are ridiculous pork barrel projects that suck the money out, and that should me moderated. However, that is the congressman’s game. That isn’t going anywhere.
Political partisanship.
Maybe the biggest problem right now. There is no effort to even try and work together. Will the next president be able to bring together the parties or is this the new way. It is so disappointing to hear good solid ideas presented knowing that in no way is anyone really looking to fulfill them.
Let’s go crazy and throw some ideas around. we may not solve anything, but you never know who’s lurking here.
I agree that partisanship is bad. But there are two parties here that differ severly on many issues. I have said many times that they are two sides of the same coin, and I still believe that; the main differences are social issues that will never change.
Yet with someone like Bush, there will be no uniting. And I’m not sure I want untiting, as it will only be under the Republican’s ways that the Democrat’s can “unite”. The best they can do is hope to stop the ridiculous measure that George II puts through. Little more. [/quote]
This really is garbage Irish. It’s a tone like yours that prevents actual discussion and makes it all the easier to fall back on complete rhetoric.
Your answer to everything is strictly anti-Bush. What about the actual innitiative? Yes I know it was a political speech, but didn’t anything get your engine going. NO. Too busy hating to see any type of future until old W gets out of there.
I know you don’t believe this, but Bush being an oilman has nothing to do with it. True, innovation will cost money. This is the crux. But for everyone of you who bitches about Exxon profits, but does nothing about it you’re the biggest hypocrits.
Please show me where Bush wants to gut SS. Forget it. You’re not even thinking for yourself. From now on I’ll just call you Mr. Pelose(sp). Your tone is so negative, you don’t want to work towards any common goals or good, you’d rather bitch about your perception of W than carry on any meaningful conversation about what this country can and should do to move forward.
Get over it dude. Your angry young white boy stance makes you look juvenile. Every single ‘rebuttal’, for lack of a better word, was nothing but rehashed partisan garbage—the exact stuff I said let’s forget and see how we would better ourselves. I guess that was too much comprehension for one day.
Sorry for the blow up, but it just gets me how we can’t even get one post past the original before the same old,sameold just starts up again. Too bad. There sure is plenty to talk about.