My name is Mark. I’m 55 6’6" and weigh 330. Big spare tire around waist. Started TRT this past December. Will give my history first, then delve into current status. I just discovered this site…so I haven’t done everything according to the stickies correctly yet…Right now I don’t have all my lab numbers…but will get them posted this week. Dr is GP…the Endo’s around here suck…and while this guy doesn’t know everything about T replacement(as you will see by his mistake in E test)…he’s willing to work with me.
Age 19 testicular cancer. Treated with surgery and pretty intensive radiation. Age 32 had heart attack following 3 mile run (yeah back then I weighed about 225) Angioplasty done. Age 31 diagnosed hyperthyroid. Given radioactive iodine…now on Levothyroxin. Age 43 had aortic valve replaced and bypass. Dr’s were confused as to why with no family history of heart problems and normal cholesterol readings why I was having heart problems. Surgeons said when they opened me it looked like my insides had been blowtorched…they say due to the radiation during cancer treatment. Past 2 years have been feeling tired…sleep all the time, weight gain. Talked to a trainer who put me on exercise regimen and diet.
After almost 2 years with no results was bitching to my Dr about it and he suggested getting T checked.
So in December 2012 I started this odyssey with a T level of 94. Dr put me on 1 ml of 100Mg/ml cyp every 2 weeks. Follow up test done 6 weeks after starting at the end of the 2 week cycle. T had fallen to 73. He put me on 1 ml of 200Mg/ml every 2 weeks. Felt like a new man well into February…but then seemed to crash back to the old me about the time I started the higher dose. Re-tested in mid March…this time half way through the 2 weeks. T now at 866. But I also started to retain fluid in both legs…left breast started to enlarge…back to sleeping all the time…and new symptom…loss of erections. Not good!
Saw Dr last week. He decided to test estrogen…found this site the day after…which leads me to today.
Got results back Friday. Now I know after reading here that he didn’t order the right test. He tested total estrogen. So I’ll have to get it re-done. BUT…he also gave me Anastrozle which he wanted me to start even without the lab back…his thinking that given my symptoms it would be needed. I’ve had 1mg this week. (What a pain it is to break that little pill into 1/4’s!!)
My plan right now is to split my T dose into at least every week starting with my next scheduled dose. My dilemma…is what to do about the labs. Should I just go ahead next week and get the proper E-2 lab having taken the AI this past week, or wait until my next check of the T…which will be another month?
Current meds
warfarin 6mg ED levothyroxin .3 mg ED bisoprolol 2.5 mg ED T Cyp 1ml of 200mg/ml every 2 weeks