I’m planning to mass build again from September. In doing so, I’m planning a stack.
I’ve already spent some time researching supplements, have some limited experience and now, I figure would be a good time to ask for general opinions to point out any glaring errors or better ideas.
Supplements included, I will be planning a 4300Cal diet over a 40/45/15 (P/C/F) diet split over two feeding times. Controversial I know, but eating 2x per day works well for me.
Supp Wise:
Whey 90
Dextrose (I know the insulin spike isn’t very popular, though this will help with my macro’s, plus, the rest of my carbs will be from Fruit and Veg so I’d rather wait a while PW before introducing Antioxidants)
Epistane 18
Trenavar 10
Liver Support.
The Glycobol is probably the most interesting supplement to me, though, as it’s said that taking androgens alongside can provide extra benefit, I found this stack from Pure Labs at a decent price and figured I’d go that bit further.
Should I go through with the stack, I intend to do so for 8 weeks before starting a 4 week PCT and Detox cycle.
Please, ask for any extra info or share Positive Views/Constructive Criticisms.
Feel free to tear me a new one. I’ve done a fair bit of reading, though it’s often common that people miss something that’s ridiculously obvious to others looking in.
The rest of the diet will consist of Produce (Predominantly Liver, Eggs and Fish). Colourful Veg, Berries and a limited amount of wholegrain rice. Nut Butters, Dark Chocolates and various Healthy Oils.