Simo - The Red Shoe Diaries (Part 2)

Funny had the same feeling when I walk next to you. We must have a lot of skinny friends. LOL

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That i do lol.
I was finally invited to one of my wifeā€™s work dinners last week. Wife made a quiet comment with a small chuckle about being the biggest guy at the table of 6 guys.

Thatā€™s the only reason we do it isnt it? LOL

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Yer that and the occasional surprise we get from own reflection in a shop window where we realise that the unit over there is actually us.

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Friday 1 Nov - week 3

Bar x 10
60 x 5
100 x 3
140 x 3
160 x 10 x 3 sets (352 lbs) -
Pretty sure these is a Rep PR for this weight. These were proper hard work. Felt good and horrible at the same time.

Leg curls
37 x 15 x 3 sets

Cable rows
140 x 12 x 3 sets

Lat pull downs (palms towards me, like a chin up)
82 x 8 x 3 sets
This is getting heavy now.

Lying tricep ext
50 x 7
40 x 15
40 x
Dumbell Curls
10kg x 12 x 3 sets

Shoulder / chest rehab
3 mins

And that is Friday night and another week ticked off. Feeling pumped and meaty after tonightā€™s session. Quality


Squats from Wednesday night


Iā€™m hardly a squat expert, but it looks like your hanging point is caused by dropping into the hole too quickly.

Some people say to pause the rep at the bottom, some say just to slow down your decent, and some say to do Anderson Squats to fix the weak point.
I donā€™t know the correct answer as I just pushed my way through this and had ugly squats for a long time until I stopped squatting, but any of these may help with this particular area.

Everything else looked tight; depth was great.

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Some of that teetering forward out of the whole is being caused by my upper back not being braced properly and me not keeping my chest up. I have done both tempo and paused squats a fair bit over the journey and they deff help with keeping everything tight.