Simo - The Red Shoe Diaries (Part 2)

Just having a conversation with @unicornsandrainbows about how we hold ourselves to an impracticable standard and are often very hard on ourselves. And it made me think of something that transpired in the gym on Monday night.

I was deadlifting on Monday and the weight was 400lbs for 3 sets of 3 and the 4th set should have been an amrap. The deadlift platforms at my gym are near the front door so it means anyone walking in or out has to walk past where you are training. 3 different people made a positive comment on the weight I was lifting, all of which I played down with some sort of funny comment. When I did my 4th set I only had 3 reps left in me. This is a few reps short of my PR and well under what I would have accepted as a good result, so I felt pretty Meh about the effort.

Now bear in mind I tore my pec 10 days before and my mind was half focused on any pain in the sternum / chest area. Who else in normal life is pulling 4 plates ? and who else is doing it whilst healing from a torn pec. But to me the performance wasn’t good enough.

Sometimes it’s hard to see how high we have climbed when we are only looking up.