[quote]slimjim wrote:
Since you think I’m just being an asshole, this is from the Steroid Newbie Thread, QFT
Step 3:
Don’t PM people asking where to get steroids (or “Steroid Tablets”). For all we know you’re a cop or a high-school kid - and besides, this is pure fantasy role play for many of us. If you followed Step 1, you wouldn’t need to ask this.
On the other hand, for your own safety, what if one of us just scammed you? Best case scenario in that regard is you don’t receive anything and are just out a couple hundred bucks. Worse case, I send you some unsterilized sesame seed oil in a vial and you shoot that shit up.
Is that productive enough for you? At least I’ve bumped your thread up to the top again so maybe you’ll get some takers.[/quote]
Well slimdick, first of all I never PM’d anyone asking for anything,second of all “fuckwad” if I get a good domestic I’ll post it just for your ass! third: I have gotten great sources from this site in the past and I’ve been at this a long time, I think I know if I have legit gear. I believe I also recently read a thread where Anthony Roberts was openly discussing legit sources and stated that it was hardly taboo anymore! And lastly , if you don’t have anything helpful to say, why wouldn’t you simply keep your mouth shut or do you just require attention? I already got what I needed so I won’t need to check out your retort! Have a nice fuckin day!
Well slimdick, first of all I never PM’d anyone asking for anything,second of all “fuckwad” if I get a good domestic I’ll post it just for your ass! third: I have gotten great sources from this site in the past and I’ve been at this a long time, I think I know if I have legit gear. I believe I also recently read a thread where Anthony Roberts was openly discussing legit sources and stated that it was hardly taboo anymore! And lastly , if you don’t have anything helpful to say, why wouldn’t you simply keep your mouth shut or do you just require attention? I already got what I needed so I won’t need to check out your retort! Have a nice fuckin day! [/quote]
Well, thankfully you’re giving me the attention I so desperately desire…obviously my day wouldn’t be complete without some jackass on the internet telling me how unhelpful I am. Honestly, how would you tell the difference between gear and oil? And even if you could, what good would it do you if all you got was oil? You’d still wouldn’t have any gear. you have a nice fucking day yourself, hopefully at some point you get that pingpong paddle removed from your ass that is causing you to be such a fucking dick.
Also, fuckwad, of the 22 posts you have on this site, 11 are related to finding you a source…so the most helpful thing you’ve done is show up and ask for sources because: 1. Your source moved away, 2. Your source went scammer and 3. Your international shit got seized, I think you’re full of shit. I fucking hope your 4th incarnation results in you coming back and telling everyone what a stupid fuck you are for expecting a legit domestic source to pm someone as careless as you.
[quote]daron_e wrote:
Need I say more? Someone PLEASE pm me with a domestic, this is Third problem in 2 years with international! Is my damn address flagged with customs? or what(hope that’s a joke…)[/quote]
You are a fucking moron. I would never PM you with a source because you are damaged goods.
Why would I put any of my sources at risk to do you a favor.
You are a dipshit and give the AAS community a bad name.