Should I Order or Buy Directly?

[quote]fmrmarineinbiz wrote:
I see guys paying triple digits for 10ML of test, and laugh. [/quote]

and you pay less than that I guess?

[quote]BrokenOverdrive wrote:
fmrmarineinbiz wrote:
I see guys paying triple digits for 10ML of test, and laugh.

and you pay less than that I guess? [/quote]

Hes estimates are about right for online vs. local comparison.

only if you’re nuts.

or desperate…

but patience is a virtue :wink:

Find an online domestic source. You will pay a premium buying from your gyms resident joooser. Buying international you risk bunk gear, seizure or scamming.

There are domestic online sources that will come through for you. You might have to look hard though.

yeah im in the same boat

really interested in the gear…

but im trying to figure out what i can get away with since i play jc football

[quote]Joebob wrote:
Find an online domestic source. You will pay a premium buying from your gyms resident joooser. Buying international you risk bunk gear, seizure or scamming.

There are domestic online sources that will come through for you. You might have to look hard though. [/quote]

do you think that for first-timers, having an in-gym source is a better idea than ordering online? Knowing the guy gives you somebody to call and ask questions and somebody who can relate their experiance to you (if not paying a bit more for it)

[quote]BrokenOverdrive wrote:
Joebob wrote:
Find an online domestic source. You will pay a premium buying from your gyms resident joooser. Buying international you risk bunk gear, seizure or scamming.

There are domestic online sources that will come through for you. You might have to look hard though.

do you think that for first-timers, having an in-gym source is a better idea than ordering online? Knowing the guy gives you somebody to call and ask questions and somebody who can relate their experiance to you (if not paying a bit more for it)[/quote]

Isn’t that what this forum is for?

[quote]BrokenOverdrive wrote:
Joebob wrote:
Find an online domestic source. You will pay a premium buying from your gyms resident joooser. Buying international you risk bunk gear, seizure or scamming.

There are domestic online sources that will come through for you. You might have to look hard though.

do you think that for first-timers, having an in-gym source is a better idea than ordering online? Knowing the guy gives you somebody to call and ask questions and somebody who can relate their experiance to you (if not paying a bit more for it)[/quote]

Also if your getting gear from a dealer. Do you think the dealer has your best interests at heart or lining his pocket?

i am a new member but i have been an avid reader of this site for 2 years now…i have had a hard time myself with online orders and would like advice on how to research an online source…i am not asking for a souce…i am merely asking how is it that you can break down the information on an online source so that you know the legitimacy of it…i apparently don not know how to distinguish…my first cycle was from a friend who has been having trouble renewing his supplies, also the price was high…i would appeciate any advice…i assure you i have been reading and researching on my own for quite a while…thanks in advance

[quote]lumbernac wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
lumbernac wrote:
dirtbag wrote:
Not sure what your risks are legal wise. Maybe if you gave your country people would pipe up and let you know.

well, ordering illegal drugs sent to my home can’t come without its risks, can it? I can’t just order weed to my house right?

It is easier than you think. There is simply too much illegal stuff going on at any give time in any given country to be able to stop it all.

So, nobody on this forum has had to deal w/ the police for ordering steroids? Is it really that simple/safe?[/quote]

I have. While I wouldn’t say it is probable, it is possible, and it does happen. For me, I have decided that the risk is not worth it anymore, as there is too much at stake. Just try to remember that people do get in trouble for it, so just weigh your risk/reward ratio. Hopefully sometime soon, the government will chill with the witch hunt and get back to trying to fix and monitor more “traditional” problems.

Just for info sake, just cause you know a local guy wont mean a guarantee on good gear- i got some usless Dbol and iffy test e, and im tight with the guy- it all comes down to HIS source…at this point, if i had a reliable source, id order on line, no problem. problem is i dont have a quality source.

i wonder if ordering raw powder and making my own would be a better way to avoid customs … i hear alot of guys on this site talking about making their own batch

[quote]mopchopper wrote:
i wonder if ordering raw powder and making my own would be a better way to avoid customs … i hear alot of guys on this site talking about making their own batch[/quote]

Here’s what sucks about this game:

You buy from your local dealer at the gym. Do you know him enough to trust him? Can you afford his outrageous prices? What about his source? He may be a good guy who is getting screwed or selectively scammed as well (in his case 1 out of 4 vials is pure oil, for example).

You purchase from an online source: You almost certainly won’t know them well enough to trust them. Are they going to send you your gear, or not? If they do send it, will it be snagged by customs? Will you get a controlled delivery (unlikely, but not impossible, and very scary)? IF you receive your product, will it be real? Fake? Underdosed? Sterile? What it says it is (tren is tren and not test, for example)?

You purchase from a powder source. Now you are dealing with guys who typically live in China, the McDonald’s of corruption. Will these guys send what they say they will send? How pure is the powder? Do you have a lab to assess purity? What is the heavy metal content in the powder? Will these guys just take your money and run?

I know I sound pretty bleak here, but this really is the situation. There ARE great sources out there, the problem is that you can’t just pop onto a message board or do a google search and expect to find them. In fact, I would say that the ones that are the most easy to find are probably the ones to be the most wary of.

However, stick around long enough. Post long enough. Learn enough. Become friends with enough guys. Most importantly build up a foundation of trust and offer something to the community, even if it is only intelligent questions, and eventually you will find a source you can trust (more than likely a whole lot of them). That’s as good as it gets, but if you do it that way, it can get pretty good.

Hope this helps even a little bit.

this world is so fucked up, how can the government legalise alchohol and tobacco yet ban steroids wtttttf.
i will never pay the overpriced rates at the local gym just because of pride. yet i sent $500 online and hav’nt received nothing, no letter. not only the fact that this site has scammed my money but it has made me sick with anxiety waiting for my stuff in the mail, or… a knock on the door from the cops.

and whoever took my money is sitting back and laughing because of how dumb i am to put my trust and hard earned money into their pockets, and knowing i cant do anything about it, what can you do… call the cops on them for not sending the illegal contriband that i ordered? where to go from here hey

[quote]egnatiosj wrote:
lumbernac wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
lumbernac wrote:
dirtbag wrote:
Not sure what your risks are legal wise. Maybe if you gave your country people would pipe up and let you know.

well, ordering illegal drugs sent to my home can’t come without its risks, can it? I can’t just order weed to my house right?

It is easier than you think. There is simply too much illegal stuff going on at any give time in any given country to be able to stop it all.

So, nobody on this forum has had to deal w/ the police for ordering steroids? Is it really that simple/safe?

I have. While I wouldn’t say it is probable, it is possible, and it does happen. For me, I have decided that the risk is not worth it anymore, as there is too much at stake. Just try to remember that people do get in trouble for it, so just weigh your risk/reward ratio. Hopefully sometime soon, the government will chill with the witch hunt and get back to trying to fix and monitor more “traditional” problems.[/quote]

PM me please :slight_smile:

How long have you waited - have you contacted them about it?

[quote]Joebob wrote:
Find an online domestic source. You will pay a premium buying from your gyms resident joooser. Buying international you risk bunk gear, seizure or scamming.

There are domestic online sources that will come through for you. You might have to look hard though. [/quote]

This is absolute bollocks - if no-one when international, then there would NOT be a worldwide supply of steroids in the first place.

[quote]lumbernac wrote:
Which would be a better idea risk-wise?

A. Buying from the guys at the gym that are obviously roiding, the 300 lb football player biker reject types after I get to know them


B. Buying from some underground lab, to be sent to either my house or preferrrably, an empty house that I can check daily.

Could somebody give a n00b a quick discussion of which will have a better chance of keeping me out of jail?

***Note to mods- I did not discuss nor ask for a specific source of steroids so I’m keeping w/ da ettiquette around here, peace ****[/quote]

Maybe you should let them know you think they are “rejects” then see if they can help you out? I am a heavily tattooed guy that rides, is over 250lbs and is probably labeled by ignorant people just the way you are labeling these guys. I also hold degrees in Engineering, Leadership, and an MBA and i am the VP of a manufacturing company. SO perhaps it is you my friend who is the “reject”? what do you do for a living that makes you so obviously superior to those around you? I , for one, hope you do get ripped off.