Shot in the Leg - Need Advice

Unfortunately for me, I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I was strolling down the street on Sunday April 10th at 4 in the afternoon with my girlfriend and happen to get caught in the cross fire or poor aim of a couple of gangsters who happened to be shooting at each other in broad daylight on the busiest corner in Toronto. I took a stray bullet in the hamstring right dead center and it travelled through my leg stopping an inch from coming out the quad.

Surgery removed the bullet and I am back on my feet and back at work. I suffered a 25 pound muscle loss and this isn’t a very nice thing. Although, I am just happy to be alive and I know that the muscle will return quickly. I’m assuming all that readily available muscle went to joining up the hamstring before and after surgery as my wound was deep and wide.

Anyways, enough of the pre-history.

I have been looking through the search function looking for only upper body programs as my plastic surgeon has informed me that I shouldn’t do anything but walk on it. I can agree with him b/c I can barely put my own socks on.

Anyways, the only relevant one I can kinda find is Train for your frame by Alessi.

I want to know what to do with that open spot leg day. I mean, I’m going to have to get creative with my back exercises as they involved bending over, etc. etc. so it’s going to be a stretch.

I would like to stop the severe muscle catabolism that’s going on in my body by hitting the upper until the lower can be put back in place.

Does anyone have a good program, it’s virtually impossible to find one without legs in this forum, and for good reason I might add.

In fact, I’m happy my legs are as thick as they were b/c other wise the bullet would have went through and into my girlfriends leg and that’s not good.

Any advice would be very helpful.

I weighed 196 pounds before at 6’1 (there wasn’t much there to begin with, I know someone will say that) and I weighed in at 173 before surgery. Ouch! This was in a span of a month as you can see. My one leg looks awful, but they’ll come back.

Thanks T-nation.


Glad to hear your back on the road to recovery. My suggestion would be to replace the leg day with another chest/back day. You should seek the advice of a physiotherapist for getting the leg(s) back into action, but remember to let them heal.


Might be dumb idea but I’d try and find some forums for bodybuilders/lifters who are in wheelchairs. I got hit with a 22 at fairly close range (flesh wound fortunatley) and it kept me from doing lowerbody for the better part of 1/2 a year. I was fairly young at the time though so I didn’t take my training as seriously, in other words didn’t do alot of legs.

Good luck bro, hope all works out for you.