[quote]Wreckless wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik: ‘Harshest’ Gun Control Laws Won’t Stop Evil
You now what, speed cams won’t stop people speeding
Laws won’t stop people drinking and driving.
Let’s look at the facts, would you say that there is more violence and “gun related incidents” in the US, compared to most other countries with stricter gun laws?
Yes, “the facts”.
I know you prefer to not let the facts interfere with a good conspiracy theory, but I’m afraid I must insist.[/quote]
The facts do not back up your assertion:
“The fight for more stringent gun control laws derives in part from the idea that more guns mean more violence. As it turns out, though, in the United States and the rest of the developed world, total murder and suicide rates, from all causes, do not increase with rates of gun ownership – or drop under tougher gun laws”
“It does appear that high gun-ownership density does not imply high rates of violent crime”
“The former Soviet Union’s extremely stringent gun controls, successfully implemented and enforced by a police state, did not keep the nation, and successor states like Russia, from posting murder rates from 1965-1999 that far outstripped the rest of the developed world”
“Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, all countries with heavy gun ownership, posted low murder rates in the early 2000s compared to “gun-light” developed nations. In 2002, for example, Germany’s murder rate was one-ninth that of Luxembourg, where the law prohibits civilian ownership of handguns and gun ownership is rare”
“Statistics within countries paint a similar picture: Areas of higher gun ownership rates correlate with areas of lower rates of violent crime, and areas with strict gun laws correlate with areas high in violent crime [source: Malcolm].”