Routine Suggestion

Hey guys. I have been lifting a little over a year now. Started with Coolcicada PPL and just finished 12 weeks with a 6 day split by Artemus Dolgin.

Im now looking to find an intermediate bodybuilding routine to put on some size. Im 6’1 sitting at 184 lbs.

What would be a good routine for some who can handle a decent amount of volume.

Lyle McDonald’s Generic Bulking Routine. I highly suggest you stay away from six way splits for now.

Try something different. Like a heavy duty program , legs,chest and triceps on 1 day, rest 4 days and do back,shoulders and biceps, rest again 4 days. Repeat and watch you’r muscles to grow.
You dont grow for long is you don’t rest. You had gains because you’re still beginner.

[quote]Dyyd wrote:
Try something different. Like a heavy duty program , legs,chest and triceps on 1 day, rest 4 days and do back,shoulders and biceps, rest again 4 days. Repeat and watch you’r muscles to grow.
You dont grow for long is you don’t rest. You had gains because you’re still beginner.[/quote]

Train each muscle once every ten days and attend the gym twice in every ten day time frame?

Would 5/3/1 Bodybuilder or Periodization be a good program to run if im looking strictly for aesthetics?

[quote]Vegeasthetics wrote:
Would 5/3/1 Bodybuilder or Periodization be a good program to run if im looking strictly for aesthetics?[/quote]

Lyle McDonald’s GBR is more aeshetics specific and 5/3/1’s progression scheme is way too slow for a newbie or early intermediate, I believe.

Thank you, BrickHead. Starting Lyles today.

While I’m a big fan of Mentzer’z physique, and his bringing the concept of recovery to most people’s attention, I think for a somewhat newer trainer, the frequency he advocates is more often than not going to be way off base.

Like Brick suggested, a full body plans aren’t bad. I personally like to start people with either a 2 way, or even 3 way split, and adjust frequency based on what is being done outside of the gym, and actual performance. Some people will need a day off before repeating, others can just cycle through their plan forever, only taking rest days when injured or ill.


Lets say down the road I would like to compete. Would you still recommend this to start Brickhead?