[quote]tedro wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Speaking of NH, anyone watch the ABC debate? I’m starting to wonder if I despise Romney more than Guiliani. It’s much too close to call anymore. That said, Thompson did really really well. Paul did decent, but not great. The entire field otherwise is disgusting. Romney did worst of all I think and squirmed like the worm he is when he was called on it, particularly re: his state’s health care program.
They all (except Paul and Thompson) had their own little pet ideas to get the .gov into health care while squeezing out the market while paying lip service to it.
Frankly, both guys are great candidates. If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.
Thompson did have a good night, the only thing that bothered me about him was that he seemed to be more about witty remarks than substance.
I am really starting to question his campaign, though. He started too late, was uncomfortable in the early debates, and is not spending enough resources in these states with the early primaries.
McCain also looked good, again. With the impending meltdown of Romney, I would almost go as far as calling him the favorite right now. Was it just me or did McCain and Thompson really seem to be playing off of one another? Everybody was ganging up on Romney, but these two seemed especially close. They make a pretty good pair, which raises the question of a possible vice presidency, but I don’t think either one would accept that.
As for Paul (and I can’t believe I am even wasting my time commenting on him), he did not have a good night. After getting schooled on foreign affairs, he kept his mouth shut for a while, only to come back and show his lack of understanding of the economy. He also made no sense when talking about the war and health care. I know what he meant, but as Thompson said, it really did sound like he was arguing against the war so that the government could buy everybody health care.[/quote]
You honestly think that McCain is worthy to be president? If he gets elected it’ll just be more of the same neocon bullshit.