Ron Beats Rudy in NH?

[quote]BostonBarrister wrote:
Hmmm - Intrade has Guiliani leading, but Romney and McCain are almost even with him. And Huckabee is well behind - a very good thing.

Follow the link and scroll down a little below the graphs for the Intrade quotes.[/quote]

McCain is now ahead on Intrade. Very interesting indeed.

Brand spanking new Rasmussen Poll now has Paul at 14% for NH.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Brand spanking new Rasmussen Poll now has Paul at 14% for NH.

Indeed. Rasmussen polled Paul at a mere 6% in Iowa just before the caucus if I’m not mistaken. Yet his voting totals were 40% higher. Should the present 14% in this poll remain unchanged while assuming a 40% difference this would translate into approximately 20% of actual votes at the NH primary. Of course whether this assumption actually applies to NH remains to be seen.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Brand spanking new Rasmussen Poll now has Paul at 14% for NH. [/quote]

Looks like he’s going to slide into a comfortable third, behind Romney and McCain.

In other words: Failure. Not good enough.

If he can’t win in the “libertarian state”, then where is Ron Paul going to win?

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Brand spanking new Rasmussen Poll now has Paul at 14% for NH.

Looks like he’s going to slide into a comfortable third, behind Romney and McCain.

In other words: Failure. Not good enough.

If he can’t win in the “libertarian state”, then where is Ron Paul going to win?[/quote]

Nominal, I just posted something concerning this in another thread, but I’ll share my thoughts here. Ron Paul was never going to win. Never.

Right now the pro-Iraq war, pro-military bases overseas Republicans, have their support divided up over a number of Republicans. As those candidates drop out one by one, such voters are not going to back Ron Paul, the non-interventionist.

Besides that, you had Iowa. Republican voters there still approve of Bush’s performance. It goes without saying, Ron Paul is the least Bush like amongst the candidates. Ron Paul will probably hit 3rd in NH, and be able to hang around for a bit afterwards. He does have some spending money, after all. But like I said, the field is going to narrow, and Ron Paul won’t get those voters.

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Brand spanking new Rasmussen Poll now has Paul at 14% for NH.

Looks like he’s going to slide into a comfortable third, behind Romney and McCain.

In other words: Failure. Not good enough.

If he can’t win in the “libertarian state”, then where is Ron Paul going to win?[/quote]

He never had a chance. It is a shame he wasted his campaign by taking fringe positions.

Instead of wasting his time talking about dissolving the Fed and going to the gold standard he should have been preaching fiscal responsibility.

He has done with this with every major issue. He may have had a chance to redirect the party to be more conservative instead he marginalized himself with 90% of potential voters.

He sure raised a lot of money though. I wonder if he will give it back or if this was his plan all along. Raise a lot of money but not have any real impact on the race.

Speaking of NH, anyone watch the ABC debate? I’m starting to wonder if I despise Romney more than Guiliani. It’s much too close to call anymore. That said, Thompson did really really well. Paul did decent, but not great. The entire field otherwise is disgusting. Romney did worst of all I think and squirmed like the worm he is when he was called on it, particularly re: his state’s health care program.

They all (except Paul and Thompson) had their own little pet ideas to get the .gov into health care while squeezing out the market while paying lip service to it.

Frankly, both guys are great candidates. If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.


[quote]Mikeyali wrote:

If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.


The problem is, what exactly are you going to do then? Think the dems are going to be more your style? I doubt that…so are you going the 3rd party route? There’s no chance of a 3rd party win, and as far as I’m aware, no 3rd party candidate I’d really vote for anyway.

Futurama really had it right…

[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
Speaking of NH, anyone watch the ABC debate? I’m starting to wonder if I despise Romney more than Guiliani. It’s much too close to call anymore. That said, Thompson did really really well. Paul did decent, but not great. The entire field otherwise is disgusting. Romney did worst of all I think and squirmed like the worm he is when he was called on it, particularly re: his state’s health care program.

They all (except Paul and Thompson) had their own little pet ideas to get the .gov into health care while squeezing out the market while paying lip service to it.

Frankly, both guys are great candidates. If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.


Thompson did have a good night, the only thing that bothered me about him was that he seemed to be more about witty remarks than substance.

I am really starting to question his campaign, though. He started too late, was uncomfortable in the early debates, and is not spending enough resources in these states with the early primaries.

McCain also looked good, again. With the impending meltdown of Romney, I would almost go as far as calling him the favorite right now. Was it just me or did McCain and Thompson really seem to be playing off of one another? Everybody was ganging up on Romney, but these two seemed especially close. They make a pretty good pair, which raises the question of a possible vice presidency, but I don’t think either one would accept that.

As for Paul (and I can’t believe I am even wasting my time commenting on him), he did not have a good night. After getting schooled on foreign affairs, he kept his mouth shut for a while, only to come back and show his lack of understanding of the economy. He also made no sense when talking about the war and health care. I know what he meant, but as Thompson said, it really did sound like he was arguing against the war so that the government could buy everybody health care.

Mike, did you watch the democrat debate afterwards? What did you think of that? Obama really scares me. Does the guy actually know anything? The fact that so many people are supporting him is even scarier.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:

If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.


The problem is, what exactly are you going to do then? Think the dems are going to be more your style? I doubt that…so are you going the 3rd party route? There’s no chance of a 3rd party win, and as far as I’m aware, no 3rd party candidate I’d really vote for anyway.

Futurama really had it right…[/quote]

You could always cast a protest vote for the constitution or libertarian party. It is not like you really need to worry about the Republicans winning Kansas or Idaho anyways.

[quote]tedro wrote:
Mikeyali wrote:
Speaking of NH, anyone watch the ABC debate? I’m starting to wonder if I despise Romney more than Guiliani. It’s much too close to call anymore. That said, Thompson did really really well. Paul did decent, but not great. The entire field otherwise is disgusting. Romney did worst of all I think and squirmed like the worm he is when he was called on it, particularly re: his state’s health care program.

They all (except Paul and Thompson) had their own little pet ideas to get the .gov into health care while squeezing out the market while paying lip service to it.

Frankly, both guys are great candidates. If neither of them win methinks I will be disowning the Republican party for good.


Thompson did have a good night, the only thing that bothered me about him was that he seemed to be more about witty remarks than substance.

I am really starting to question his campaign, though. He started too late, was uncomfortable in the early debates, and is not spending enough resources in these states with the early primaries.

McCain also looked good, again. With the impending meltdown of Romney, I would almost go as far as calling him the favorite right now. Was it just me or did McCain and Thompson really seem to be playing off of one another? Everybody was ganging up on Romney, but these two seemed especially close. They make a pretty good pair, which raises the question of a possible vice presidency, but I don’t think either one would accept that.

As for Paul (and I can’t believe I am even wasting my time commenting on him), he did not have a good night. After getting schooled on foreign affairs, he kept his mouth shut for a while, only to come back and show his lack of understanding of the economy. He also made no sense when talking about the war and health care. I know what he meant, but as Thompson said, it really did sound like he was arguing against the war so that the government could buy everybody health care.[/quote]

You honestly think that McCain is worthy to be president? If he gets elected it’ll just be more of the same neocon bullshit.

[quote]Jason32 wrote:

You honestly think that McCain is worthy to be president? If he gets elected it’ll just be more of the same neocon bullshit.


No, I said he just may be the favorite. Huckabee doesn’t really have much of a chance, Romney is imploding, and it may be too late for Giuliani by the time he wins a primary. I said nothing about McCain’s worthiness.

EDIT: I should have watched your video before responding. Just another Paulie…

What does KBR/Haliburton ripping off the American taxpayer have to do with Ron Paul?

That ABC debate was sad. Big government Republicans on display.

[quote]Jason32 wrote:
What does KBR/Haliburton ripping off the American taxpayer have to do with Ron Paul?[/quote]

Did you read the title of the video?

Irrelevant. Look at the evidence, if McCain has his way there will be another hundred years of that nonsense:

If we had started a drinking game about two months ago, where we each took a swig of a protein shake anytime a Paulnut squealed out “neocon!”…we’d all have added 30 pounds of quality lean muscle in two months.

[quote]Jason32 wrote:
Irrelevant. Look at the evidence, if McCain has his way there will be another hundred years of that nonsense:


Ok, that’s nutty.

Is this McCain’s “Dean Scream?”

Could be…