Say one were to train the squat using a progressive overload method, but instead of increasing weight, reps or a combination of both, range of motion was used as the primary progression metric. Further, let’s suppose ROM was increased by 1 inch every 4 weeks until a plateau occurs, with the goal of hitting x sets for y reps at…z weight. Using the 1RM max standard 90 degree squat as our control case, would a lifter see a significant increase in this value using this type of training after 4, 8, 12, etc weeks?
I used the squat as an example because it is the easiest exercise to vary ROM, obviously one couldn’t do this with workouts like the bench press in a convential manner without starting at a reduced ROM.
All of my training is ROM progression based, to include the bench press and the press. I find it incredibly effective, however I increase the range of motion every week rather than every 4 weeks. I keep the weight the same each week and simply shoot for maximal reps until I get to full ROM and then start the cycle over again. A cycle runs 7 weeks, with a 1 week deload at the end (so 8 week blocks total).
Also, I really need to lose some weight. I put on tons of muscle, but I went up a few inches on my waste too. I was thinking that ROM training may be an effective tool while trying to lose some of my fat, because I don’t expect to gain any serious muscle while losing fat I need to lose about 20-25lbs to be at the weight I would like.
What tools do you use to do ROM training for the bench?
I actually wrote out my entire approach in my blog. I can’t link it here, but if you google “The Mythical Strength Method”, it should show up and explain quite a bit.
I have no idea how to answer your question on how much my numbers go up on average. My numbers are always going up in some fashion, whether it be number of reps or weight on the bar. After each cycle, I add 15lbs to the deadlift, 10-15 on the squat, and 10 on the bench and press, and tend to lose 1-2 reps on the next cycle. I keep that up until I’m hitting 1-2 reps at the end of the cycle, cut 10% off the weight and start the process over. I’m seeing annual increases to my total, but it takes quite a while for me to even be working at similar enough weights/reps compared to what I already have data for to be able to make any sort of comparrison.
For bench, I suspend the bar in chains and increase the ROM by 1 chain link each week. I have put on strength while losing weight on this program, and believe that most anyone should be able to manage that feat with just about any method honestly.
ROM training is awesome I love it for my Bench. Boards and Bench Bloxz make up the majority of my training. On the Squat and Deadlift I do something similar to ROM. Iuse the Rwverse Band method of ROM. I attach a band to the safety bars of a Squat rack on say hole 15. I work up to the desired weight or reps. Once I have hit all desired reps of say 500 at 5x5 I then lower the safety pins to hole 14. This takes away from what the bands help so you are moving more of the weight on your own towards the top. This gives the same benefit of overload you would get from ROM training and the added benefit of still practicing full range of motion movements.
Trying out a very similar method to Pwnisher’s for my deadlift (basically the same, but using a 7 week cycle instead). I’m still on my the tail end of my first cycle of it, but I really like it so far as I’ve already broken a plateau with it.
Since I started, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my lockout strength which is really important because that was my weak point. However, I have noticed a slight decline in my speed off the floor (always been my strong point), but that’s probably due to neglect, so I added a second day of speed work for pulls to try and fix this.
Its a attachment that goes onto a bar that has multiple setting depending on how you put it on the bar. It has a 2,3,4,5 board setting. So instead of needing a extra spotter to hold boards ans 5 sets of boards you just need this Blox. It fits in your duffle bag easily. Just google Unbreakable Gear Bench Bloxz
[quote]Reed wrote:
Its a attachment that goes onto a bar that has multiple setting depending on how you put it on the bar. It has a 2,3,4,5 board setting. So instead of needing a extra spotter to hold boards ans 5 sets of boards you just need this Blox. It fits in your duffle bag easily. Just google Unbreakable Gear Bench Bloxz[/quote]
Oh! That’s pretty cool! I’m lucky though. I work out in a PL gym which never has any shortage of people training to hold boards.