[quote]Rugger27 wrote:
I won’t go into too much detail but I’m a college athlete who plays a serious contact sport for one of the best teams in the country, HOWEVER this sport does not require drug tests. I wouldn’t even be here if I hadn’t had a near lethal illness which knocked me out of strength training for months and caused me to lose 25 lbs, and it wasn’t all fat. A month ago I fell into the category of people who just believed what they were told about steroids. I had no understanding of steroids other than my nuts would supposedly turn into raisins, my dick would fall off, my skin would turn purple etc. After researching steroids I decided it was an acceptably low risk that I would take in order to get back to where I was athletically a half year ago. I was wondering about what cycle would be good for functional mass and strength after I spend several months preparing my body physically for the cycle. I heard that a form of testosterone, such as Sustanon, should always form the base of your cycle. I also discovered that test will shut you down quicker than a light switch. I was thinking about an 8 week D-bol 20 or 30 mg + anavar + proviron and nolvadex, followed by nolva, clomid, proviron and arimidex PCT. I’m a 6’ male currently sitting around 175 lbs. What do you guys think? [/quote]
Not necessarily in any order