[quote]Ryan P. McCarter wrote:
Hitler also saved a lot of people. Want documentation? So do I.
In other words, please back up one claim. Just post one pitiful source, other than “John S.'s imagination.” It’s not a reputable academic source.
No, we were not at war, unless you mean in South America, at war against the poor people, and any clergy or journalists who dared to interfere.
Plese, learn something, ANYTHING.
He did it by raising taxes (and by the way, people did NOT sit down and refuse to work en masse because of the tax increase, contrary to libertarian orthodoxy). So now are taxes good, Hitler-lover? Don’t let your head explode trying to rationlize this.
Please, you are the most easily debunked member in this forum. That’s not a trivial distinction, either.
I would, if there were one.
First off you can not compare me to hitler because hitler was a socialist like yourself. Compare me to Jefferson and Washington.
It was called the Cold war, anyone with a middle school education should know about this.
Now the social security thing is going to be fun to explain to you, Before we do that we must look at the massive tax cuts Reagan gave the economy, perhaps reading this would give you a good start http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm.
See Reagan proved that if you have lower taxes revenue increases over time. Now what raising taxes does is create a jolt but causes massive damage later on. Thankfully the massive tax cuts Reagan gave us where able to offset most of the damage the tax increase caused. I do not agree with saving social security but I do understand how and why he did it.
We also have to take a look at the savings rate of the people back then, the Tax could be afforded at that time unlike increasing taxes today. Perhaps some economics 101 would help you understand this a little more.
Now read the article I gave you and we can disprove your whole the rich got the best treatment nonsense.
Now I know you won’t read because I took the liberty of looking your name up on google and found out you have been a troll on many sites where people have slapped you around with economics. You would think after being proven wrong time and time again you would realize that it is not me who is wrong but it is sadly you.
Here is a philosophy that has helped many many people its called Laissez-faire Capitalism.
This will be my last post concerning you. Perhaps a smarter liberal will come by and give me a real debate on the video I posted.
Oh and please feel free to list all the people I have had disprove me. Its a shame that my original post got deleated, it had much more information about taxes.