[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
[quote]florelius wrote:
The democratic problem with america is that the republican party and the democratic party are both rightwing partys,
AHAHAHAHAH!!! [/quote]
On the political spectrum the democrats are center-right…
Obama could -maybe- be considered center.
Obviously the American culture is currently shifted VERY far right to have smart people actually believing the Democrats are socialist.
Put Obama in any country but America and his policies would be considered far-right conservative.[/quote]
Yes - however, the whole point of a measuring system (say, a yardstick/meter - or a political spectrum) is that it doesn’t change according to “the times” or to “place.” In fact, a measuring system has to set a standard that’s unchanging precisely so we can track changes over time/place.
So, on the basis of the traditional political spectrum, Obama is very far to the left - though, perhaps, not quite Marxist.
Actually the left/right spectrum changes in time because rightwing equals ( upper class ) and leftwing equals ( lower class ). The the term leftwing/rightwing are from the french revolution, when then king placed the nobility to his right and the commoners at his left. It turned in to an tradition in all democratic nations. In the period of the democratic revolutions ( america, france and rest of westeuropa ), what we now call rightwing ideologys where back then leftwing because it represented the common people against the nobility who where royalist. When the commoners wone the revolution they established there own state, and the middleclass ( men with property ) became the new upper class. The new lower class was then the working class( men without property ). Over time the workingclass constructed there own political movement, and socialisme was its ideology. The liberalist upperclass then went from radicals to conservative. In between this classes it was people who did not fit either of them, they became the new middle class. They became the center in the new political landscape, and there ideology was socialliberalist. The Democratic party is a moderat socialliberalist party at best, and Obama is also a socialliberalist.
I am a true leftist, I belong to the workingclass and I am a socialist.
to sum up:
political spectrum in late feudal societys: rightwing: nobility and royalists. leftwing: common people and liberalists/republicans.
political spectrum in our capitalist society: rightwing: upper class and liberalists. leftwing: working class people and socialists.