What a debacle. I missed an entire week with anticipation of going camping in the adirondacks. Never happened of course
I’m back in it this week.
Tried GVT for the first time, and it was a fucking blast. The weight was ridiculously light, even for 100 reps. However, my back wasn’t feeling so hot. The back injury is still lingering, although it was the best it has ever felt.
Would it be a sin to try GVT every week?
Felt like I could’ve accomplished it with at least 175lbs…
i am doing gvt training right in and have some good results in the past, its a fucking tough workout can get a little boring though sitting in the one place for such a long time, good luck
Bench Press
135lbs w/bands 3 x 12
155lbs w/bands 2 x 8
135lbs w/bands 1 x 3
155lbs w/bands 1 x 3
175lbs w/bands 1 x 3
195lbs w/bands 3 x 3
Incline DB Press
60’s 1 x 12
Hammer Press
2 Plates 1 x 6
1 Plate 1 x 12
Blast Strap Push Ups
4 x 12
superset w/ push ups
4 x 10
Low Flies
80lbs 2 x 12
Mid Flies
80lbs 4 x 10
High Flies
80lbs 2 x 8
95lbs 3 x 10
felt strong on the bench with bands. Only the second time using them and already I feel an improvement. I only wish that my gym would get a bench from EliteFTS so we wouldn’t have to rig the bands. I feel like my endurance has increased dramatically since the start, and it’s only been a month now?
I’ve been using TBT prior to using this split. Still feel as if my muscles can use more frequency, but I also feel that my strength has been steadily increasing with this ‘project’.
I got deadlifts tomorrow, which I’m excited for. I hope my back holds up.
I’ve been lifting with a partner for the past month, and our strengths are slowly polarizing. I’ve been seeing much more improvement.
My partner doesn’t use any supplements. He said he eats well, but the supps I take are obviously giving me the edge. More power, speed on the bar, and endurance.
My weight is up to 155lbs, up from 145lbs from where I started. I shall focus more on my diet, but I also believe I’m still making steady gains.
Bench Press
45lbs 1 x 15
45lbs 3 x 8
135lbs 1 x 8
185lbs 2 x 8
225lbs 1 x 5
225lbs 1 x 4
45lbs 2 x 12
135lbs 2 x 6
225lbs 2 x 5
275lbs 2 x 3
295lbs 4 x 1
Pull Ups
a lot of sets and reps
When I lift, I like to think I’m in the ‘zone’. My music is dialed up high and I’m angry and definitely not sociable. The bar becomes organic, something like a force of energy I must conquer. I barely notice anyone around me, and if I do, I hate you. You’re in my way, you’re in my zone. I take satisfaction knowing that you can’t penetrate my aura, because you know you feel it too.