Question Regarding Controlled Delivery

[quote]nichaaron wrote:
look heres the entire point incase you havent figured it out.
you are coming off as a disrespectful little dumb ass that is not on this board with genuine intentions.

if you ask nicely and with proper manners then we will help you.
these guys on hereare a really nice group that most of them really know there stuff.

this is not some normal bro baord where you can just barge your way in and expect results.

I am not speaking only on here but in ALL of the forums on this site.
I have seen people in the beginners forums acting like you and they were treated as bad if not worse.

I think you burned your bridges before you even crossed them bitches.
be nice stop being a bitch.

god, you’re a fucking dipshit.

[quote]MMAguy wrote:
god, you’re a fucking dipshit.[/quote]

Yeah… he’s the dipshit. And I’m the douchebag.

[quote]MMAguy wrote:
Growing_Boy wrote:
Umm, why don’t you start one thread with multiple questions or subtopics? I’m sure commonsense would raise a red flag when you get a knock on the door from a cop looking individual asking for a signature when you know that your package doesn’t require one.

That’s not really my preference. Lol, what is exactly is a “cop-looking” individual?


You know, just like they use racial profiles they have their own “cop” profile. The stench of corruption and bacon gives them away too.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
MMAguy wrote:
god, you’re a fucking dipshit.

Yeah… he’s the dipshit. And I’m the douchebag.[/quote]

Sorry, I get it confused sometimes. You both have traits of douchebaggery and dipshittedness.

no one cares. go away

[quote]ericbyrnesjr wrote:
no one cares. go away[/quote]

It’s not nice to pick on retards. But then again, I’m not a nice guy, and I assuming that you aren’t either.

Carry on.

[quote]MMAguy wrote:
kayveeay wrote:
MMAguy wrote:
If you order your gear via regular airmail (not requiring delivery) and get someone showing up at your door requesting signature and you refuse to do so and absolutely deny any knowledge of such a package, is there anything the feds can do to you?

i’m sure they could find a way.

to be safe, send it to me, and i’ll forward it to you via UPS…

if you just forward it to me, i can deal with the feds for you.

I’m only doing this once, though, as a favor.

btw, who’s that in your avatar? that’s some good G&P


it’s Rich “ACE” Franklin…destroying Ken Shamrock at The Ulitmate Fighter Finale…probaly about 3 years ago…
gave Ken a good old fashion ass-whooping…

[quote]iksrtfo28 wrote:
it’s Rich “ACE” Franklin…destroying Ken Shamrock at The Ulitmate Fighter Finale…probaly about 3 years ago…
gave Ken a good old fashion ass-whooping…[/quote]

Got a video link?

Trade? - YouTube

[quote]ericbyrnesjr wrote:
no one cares. go away[/quote]

nah, I think I’ll stick around awhile. This shit is pure entertainment.

What’s entertaining is someone with the screen name “mmaguy” is such a pussy, he’s afraid to order AAS. Are you afraid of needles too?

[quote]mbaina wrote:
What’s entertaining is someone with the screen name “mmaguy” is such a pussy, he’s afraid to order AAS. Are you afraid of needles too?[/quote]

I see you’re in nyc. So am I. We should spar sometime.

[quote]MMAguy wrote:
I see you’re in nyc. So am I. We should spar sometime.[/quote]

And people call ME an internet tough guy.

I certainly never called you that. I only called you a douchebag, or was it a tool. I can’t remember now.

Either way, I’m always looking for quality sparring partners.

- YouTube t is was a better fight I though
really good ground fight
was all over him like a spider monkey

MMAGUY everytime I open up a topic I see your post on here and most of them are repeats of other questions, questions you shouldnt be asking or questions that the search feature can tell you. I dont see the point in you coming on here and asking senseless questions and then getting mad when you get flamedout.

If your getting flamedout its for a reason. I dont know if its a hobby of yours to come on here and post stupid questions and then have disrespect towards everyone else but cut it out. It’s time to grow up.