I am thrilled. I finally was able to use the big plates on my push press. I tried 130lb and it was easy. Went to 135lb no problem. So I increased to 140lbs. So I hit a 15lb push press PR today After benching and doing working sets with 120lbs.
[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Hellz yeah! Way to go, CVB. Walkout looked easy. I thought you had one more in you.
Good job.[/quote]
Thanks wolbarret! I tried 145lb but missed. I am trying for 150lb next time. These PRs were after quite a few reps. I should be able to handle more weight if I am not already tired.
Ouroboro_s - Thanks I love being able to use big plates.
MsM - I tried 135lb on several occasions. I think it was more my head holding me back then my strength. 135lb felt easy today. The 15 PR is just what a need to help build some confidence for my next meet.
I was not prepared for my squat. It was a new squat suit and I was not comfortable with depth. I should have squatted 300lb. I will be training differently for the next meet.
I dropped too much water weight and my bench shirt was way too loose. I had been praticing 230lb with commands and missed 210lb at the meet. I am cutting for the next 6 weeks so that I will train below weight class. No more dropping water weight before a meet.
Deadlift was good.
I did hit two meet PRs (gym is higher) and set some records but I know I can do better.
How is your training going? Are you going to New Zealand for Worlds?