First post here…sorry for the length of this post, but i’m in a complictated situation…I’ll try to keep it short…I’ll first start off with some info about me followed by goals, questions etc…
6’1" 168lbs
Kidney disease- mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis since 1987, NOT spilling protein
3 shoulder (left) surgeries since 1996- to tighten shoulder, 1 scope and laser of ligaments, 2 Neer capsular shifts= last surgery 1-14-2004
Waist at belly button- 32 inches- still 1/3 inch fat at front of stomach, 3/4 inch in lower back ( Back fat! lol)
Mild to moderate depresion, work, stress, waning confidence is really affecting me…
At age 15, I was 6’0 165lbs with a little less fat then I have now, …at age 17, 6’1 180. I have always been “strong”, not freakishly strong but definitely above average…grew up in a SMALL town but I was always the strongest or 2nd strongest in my class until 14ish (till other kids started lifting and I wasn’t)
goal: 180-185 w/ the same waist or smaller waist
I will be seeing my kidney doctor soon, to talk about protein intake…I have to be careful but my guess is .8 gram of protein per pound body weight plus plenty of water will be fine…
How does depression affect muscle gain? I think the added muscle will help my self confidence…being this puny is tough…
–are certain protein supplements easier on the kidneys? isolates, casein?-- ??
I’m working out now, but my shoulder is too weak to lift much weight… example, doing 30-45lbs on the machines (bench, lat pulldown, rows) 5-15lbs with dumbells… I hope to be working out with 75-100lbs in 4 weeks. Will supplement timing and protein really help me at this early stage of muscle building? Can I lift everyday and still gain??? ( I’m not reaching failure on lifting yet cause the weights are too light) I’m sure it helps to eat right, get adequate protein, but when should I really get serious?? I’ve bought no2, ZMA, and i’m mentally ready to do this…! I already eat healthy…dropped my cholesterol from 279 to 173 in the last year ( was 279 cause I was working too much and eating fast food, previous 3-4 years i was eating healthy…)
long post, but i’m sure this isnt’ near enough detail to give me rock solid answers or advice…but my main questions are…if you can’t work out with heavy enough weights to push yourself…do supplements are supplement timing help really matter??? Should I wait a month, 2 months, 6 months to take the no2, and (kidney doctor willing)drink a protein shake after working out and consume some caseine protein before bed???
–are certain protein supplements easier on the kidneys? isolates, casein?-- ??
what affect does depression have on all this???