Project Live Longer and Be Stronger

Good luck on your journey.

The time before bed was always the worst when I was on a diet. I went thru bags of baby carrots, and sugar free popsicles.

And… I love your avatar!!

I weighed in at 402 today. So far, that’s 11lbs/7 days. I am sure some of it is water but I have had several large meals in the last week, to include last night. Plus I drink at least 3 liters of water/day, not including any other liquids.

Next weigh in is Sat morning.

Today’s meals
Brunch - Chicken and almonds - 600 cals.
Lunch - almonds - 300 cals
Dinner - homemade quinao pasta - 1200 cals

Total Cals - 2100

Heading to gym now (1900 local time)
I did biceps and calves tonight. Arms are majorly shot.

[quote]greystoke wrote:
Good luck on your journey.

The time before bed was always the worst when I was on a diet. I went thru bags of baby carrots, and sugar free popsicles.

And… I love your avatar!![/quote]

Thanks man. My boy is 3 months in that pic, sitting on my 2008 RKC. He was looking at his reflection in the chrome. He turns 6 months on Friday.

I will try the baby carrots idea. I snack on them normally and, while they fill me up, they seem to not have enough sugar to trigger my brain to stop me from feeling hungry.

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
OP, everyone who has posted in here knows what’s what, so I won’t add anything, other than, good luck, I am pulling for you, and , in the words of Yoda, “there is no try, only do.” [/quote]

Thanks Jack. I love that quote. Reminds me of this gem from Churchill -

“It’s no use saying, “We are doing our best.” You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.”

This from a man, probably more responsible than any, for preserving Western freedom :slight_smile:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:
Okay here is what I do about the night time hunger. From about 6 pm until 8 pm I have a dip of snuff :slight_smile:

Also before I go to bed I get a spoonful of Natty peanut butter and dip it into a little bit of Nutella. Best fucking sleep aid I have ever found. [/quote]

I am a PB freak. I have never tried it with Nutella but will have to try it out.

Re:snuff - I have never eaten it. How do you recommend preparing it? :slight_smile:


Breakfast - chicken sandwich - 400cals
Snack - almonds - 300 cals

30mins treadmill over lunch

Only ignorants waste time counting calories. Sorry but really real foods, qualitiy foods is key. What many call fat is waste, garbage. Every cell in anyone is smarter than any doc whatever. You built yourself and our great great great, ancesters did the same way before anyone had a diploma.
The cleanup is a natural process when given a chance like skin, bone self repairs, heals.
Avoiding transformed foods wich are really profit tools is KEY.
I wish you all the best.
In seasons veggies and fruits, nuts, lentils, beans do GREAT.

[quote]BHappy wrote:
Only ignorants waste time counting calories. Sorry but really real foods, qualitiy foods is key. What many call fat is waste, garbage. Every cell in anyone is smarter than any doc whatever. You built yourself and our great great great, ancesters did the same way before anyone had a diploma.
The cleanup is a natural process when given a chance like skin, bone self repairs, heals.
Avoiding transformed foods wich are really profit tools is KEY.
I wish you all the best.
In seasons veggies and fruits, nuts, lentils, beans do GREAT.

[quote]BHappy wrote:
Only ignorants waste time counting calories. Sorry but really real foods, qualitiy foods is key. What many call fat is waste, garbage. Every cell in anyone is smarter than any doc whatever. You built yourself and our great great great, ancesters did the same way before anyone had a diploma.
The cleanup is a natural process when given a chance like skin, bone self repairs, heals.
Avoiding transformed foods wich are really profit tools is KEY.
I wish you all the best.
In seasons veggies and fruits, nuts, lentils, beans do GREAT.


Just wanted to say congrats on the decision to make a positive change.

I’m only 28 (not 35+) but I wanted to throw a couple things out there. 1. You said your cheat meal took you to 5k+ calories? come on man, that’s way beyond a cheat meal. I totally understand allowing yourself indulgences from time to time, but that sort of thing can be a serious progress killer. If that’s a true anomaly, no big deal, but that sort of cheating can be pretty detrimental if it happens even once a week or so.

  1. I love beer too. A whole lot. I’m way into craft beers, and I love a good variety from stouts to farmhouse ales to IPAs, EPAs, whatever. I drink 0 beers a week now, and it’s made the biggest difference in my life. It makes it so much easier to control my weight, and also stay motivated in the gym and at the table. I consider allowing myself “1 to 2 days” a week of drinking beer to be a very slippery slope. I would do things like drink Monday and Wednesday as my ‘days’ and then end up getting to Friday and saying, well might as well have a couple socially, and doing the same thing Saturday. Know what I’m saying?
    I’m only bringing this up because you specifically mentioned your affinity for beer, and I happen to share that. If that’s not the direction you want to take, it’s totally understandable, just sharing my own experience.

Good luck with everything, I’LL BE WATCHING YOU!!!

[quote]BHappy wrote:
Only ignorants waste time counting calories. Sorry but really real foods, qualitiy foods is key. What many call fat is waste, garbage. Every cell in anyone is smarter than any doc whatever. You built yourself and our great great great, ancesters did the same way before anyone had a diploma.
The cleanup is a natural process when given a chance like skin, bone self repairs, heals.
Avoiding transformed foods wich are really profit tools is KEY.
I wish you all the best.
In seasons veggies and fruits, nuts, lentils, beans do GREAT.

Thanks for the comments.

I have enough weight to lose that counting cals helps me stay under control. It’s a check on my ability to, in an afternoon, drink 12 beers and eat over 5K of food. Once I get closer to my ideal weight, I will transition out of counting cals and focus on sizes/satiation, etc. For now, it is helping.

We have really shifted away from anything processed. I eat a ton of fresh veggies, fruits, and grains. Very little red meat…most meat is chicken, pork, and seafood.

In the last two weeks, my energy level has gone through the roof (compared to how tired I was before). Same for my libido.

Squats tonight…D

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
Just wanted to say congrats on the decision to make a positive change.

I’m only 28 (not 35+) but I wanted to throw a couple things out there. 1. You said your cheat meal took you to 5k+ calories? come on man, that’s way beyond a cheat meal. I totally understand allowing yourself indulgences from time to time, but that sort of thing can be a serious progress killer. If that’s a true anomaly, no big deal, but that sort of cheating can be pretty detrimental if it happens even once a week or so.

  1. I love beer too. A whole lot. I’m way into craft beers, and I love a good variety from stouts to farmhouse ales to IPAs, EPAs, whatever. I drink 0 beers a week now, and it’s made the biggest difference in my life. It makes it so much easier to control my weight, and also stay motivated in the gym and at the table. I consider allowing myself “1 to 2 days” a week of drinking beer to be a very slippery slope. I would do things like drink Monday and Wednesday as my ‘days’ and then end up getting to Friday and saying, well might as well have a couple socially, and doing the same thing Saturday. Know what I’m saying?
    I’m only bringing this up because you specifically mentioned your affinity for beer, and I happen to share that. If that’s not the direction you want to take, it’s totally understandable, just sharing my own experience.

Good luck with everything, I’LL BE WATCHING YOU!!![/quote]

Thanks Flip.

I am a big IPA craft beer fan: Racer 5, Green Flash, Blind Pig, etc. My problem with completely eliminating beer is that, when I have a moment of weakness and drink one, I now feel like shit (mentally) - assuming that I have tried to remove all consumption. Allowing myself to drink a few beers on a Saturday afternoon in the garage is a much less slippery slope than trying to cut it out completely. Plus, in all honesty, a life without a few beers a week is not something I look forward to nor is it something that I think I could mentally do.

I have done the cold turkey / no beer plan and it works for a few weeks. Then I have a business dinner where I have a few. I then wakeup thinking ‘fuck - I broke my plan last night so why not today?’. That’s where I slide downhill.

When I had 2 beers the other night for dinner I REALLY enjoyed them. I woke up feeling great, having lost weight, and without the mental strain of trying to completely remove something that I absolutely love.

Re: 5K cals. You are right. This is not a cheat meal. It was a cheat day. It was my birthday. It’s too much.

Thanks for the comments and advice. And, this may sound cheesy, but knowing that people are watching actually motivates me more.


P.S. I hope to look like your avatar one day.

Appreciate the compliment Dave. I actually came from the other end of the spectrum in weight, finished high school weighing 125. I’m only 5’10, btw.

I feel you on the beer thing, if it works for you, that’s awesome. I guess for me, when I told myself twice a week was fine (exactly what I tried for awhile), it ended up being a minimum of twice, lol. I never went under and I often went over when I allowed myself those days. If your discipline allows you to really stick to that, great. Wish I could.
I love me some IPA’s, most of my friends don’t. They enjoy stout beers more. I personally think there’s better variety in that type of beer, so many stouts are just shooting for high alc. content. My wife drinks some good beers when we go out, and I always taste what she orders, but I haven’t actually had a full drink since April.

Dinner - braised pork that is slow roasted overnight, served on a bed of quinoa, and a side of asparagus. Just what I needed for an evening of squats.

Sorry for the crappy pic.

Bob i wish you well. If you have downs remember the good you do impacts you, your partner and your kid and do it like a long walk 1 step at a time.
Any muscle mass you might have lost will come back faster then growing it the first time. When your scale shows x amount less your real lost might be more if you had acces to more refined ways to evaluate your evolution.
Lucky you summer means lost of fresh veggies.

No workouts today.

I weighed myself before dinner and came in at 399.4lnbs. This is after breakfast and lunch. That’s 13.6lbs/9 days.

I am very happy to be in the 3’s. My arms, ass, calves, and quads are very sore.

We went out for a nice family dinner…probably 2500 cals for the meal and 3500 total for the day.

Tomorrow we are going camping with a long hike expected.

I should check back in on Sunday and am going to start proving more detail about my lifts (sets, poundages, etc.

To all, have a great weekend. Dave.

[quote]bobStash wrote:
No workouts today.

I weighed myself before dinner and came in at 399.4lnbs. This is after breakfast and lunch. That’s 13.6lbs/9 days.

I am very happy to be in the 3’s. My arms, ass, calves, and quads are very sore.

We went out for a nice family dinner…probably 2500 cals for the meal and 3500 total for the day.

Tomorrow we are going camping with a long hike expected.

I should check back in on Sunday and am going to start proving more detail about my lifts (sets, poundages, etc.

To all, have a great weekend. Dave. [/quote]

P.S. My boy had his 6 month checkup today and he is super shape - 50th% head size, 50% length, 5% weight. Yes, he is a skinny dude but the doc says he looks ‘fabulous’ just on the healthy size of lean. All his cognitive and development skills are at-or-further along than his age charts. My biggest motivation for being in shape and lifting is to set a good example for him. Dave.

Change of plans. We stayed in town and did not go camping due to the weather and some other factors.

Breakfast - quinao/tbsp of PB/tbsp of Agave - 350 cals
Lunch - 4 pieces of grilled chicken - 450 cals
Dinner - 2 pork sandwiches - 1,000 cals
3 beers with dinner - 500 cals

Total - ~ 2300

Seated barbell military presses. 3/4 to top (no lock out), bottom no rest just below chin.
45lbs x 8 reps
135lbs x 8 reps x 2 sets
face pulls, 4 sets, working up in weight

Burnout sets
35lbs DBs x 20 reps immediately followed by strict lateral raises with 15lb DBs (as many as I could do)

rest 2 mins

30lb DB x 20ish reps immediately folloed by strict lateral raises with 10lb DBs (as many as I could do)

rest 2 mins

30lb DB x 30ish reps immediately folloed by strict lateral raises with 5lb DBs (as many as I could do)


palms up endurance lateral raises with 10 lb DBs…maybe a minute or so
palms up endurance lateral raises with 5 lb DBs…maybe a minute or so
bent over rear delt endurance raises with 3 lb DBs, followed immediately by as many reps as I could do.

Tore up!


Breakfast - 3 chicken tenderloin wraps - 900 cals
Lunch (cheat meal) Wendys Combo - 1500 cals
Dinner - 8 chicken tenderloins (320 cals) + side of roasted yams, mushrooms, and onions (300) - 600 cals

Total - 3,000 cals

Flat bench 135x8 reps (1 set), 185x8 reps (1 set), 225 X 5reps (as many as I could do clean). Pause touching shirt. Focused on form. (I remember being able to crank out at least 20 reps at 225 when I was 20 :-))

3 sets on pec fly machine, working up in weight. Focus on form. Felt great.

Combo sets flat bench and cable flys. 3 sets (bench then fly) total, working down from 185.

Burnout standing pec flys on some really cool combination machine that I had not used before. I will post a pic of it later.


Breakfast - 6" turkey sub + handful of jerky - 400 Cals
Lunch - bowl of quinoa w/ PB and agave - 500cals
No dinner - going to bed and not hungry.

No gym today, got busy with other comittments.

Also, the new tricep lift that I love is call 'Tate’s Presses. Those destroyed me.