Prof X Moonlighting???

Anybody remember “If you see a hamburger, eat the motherfucker.”

[quote]Ryu13 wrote:
brucevangeorge wrote:
Ryu13 wrote:
Hey everyone, turn on BET, there’s a black guy!!! I bet it’s professor X!!!

Well, it just so happens that this black man actually LOOKS like the prof.

Not because he’s black.

But because of his APEARANCE.


According to white men, all blacks look alike.


Every post of yours is more idiotic than the last. Crawl back under your bridge.

[quote]malonetd wrote:
PGA200X wrote:
Or how about the phrase “I can care less!” Its “I CANT care less.”

The only thing that bothers me about this is that people actually think that the first phrase is correct and the second is wrong. It’s a colloquialism! Why do people try to take it literally? Either way is correct.

If you still think it’s wrong, correct me next time I tell you I’m “taking a shit.”[/quote]

Or next time someone tells you to get on the plane.

You can ride ON the plane, I am riding IN the plane.

[quote]eqpfunk wrote:
Ryu13 wrote:
brucevangeorge wrote:
Ryu13 wrote:
Hey everyone, turn on BET, there’s a black guy!!! I bet it’s professor X!!!

Well, it just so happens that this black man actually LOOKS like the prof.

Not because he’s black.

But because of his APEARANCE.


According to white men, all blacks look alike.

Every post of yours is more idiotic than the last. Crawl back under your bridge.[/quote]

I’m flattered you even read my posts. I normally skim right past all the posts untill I see pictures or a cool word catches my eye.

Or at least crawl back to the planes of Oblivion. lol…

Seriously though Ryu, this whole ‘racism’ thing is nonsense! :slight_smile:

Actually, I think this commercial is just really funny because somebody made a joke on the “Where is Prof X” thread that they were going to see him appear on a identity theft commercial.

It made my day when I saw this on tv.

howabout “head over heels” isn’t your head always over your heels?

[quote]JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
Why does everyone care that Professor X is gone? He was a dickhead. Everyone on this site wanted to suck him off and I don’t know why.
Maybe you’re gonna say “he gave good advice.” Well, he read the author’s articles, anybody could do that and give advice without being a dick about it.[/quote]

Hey arsehole,
you ain’t speaking for me, the only dickhead on this site is you arsewipe. You just sound like a jumped up little cocksucker, that you are.
he told you how it was, maybe you didn’t want to hear that but i guess that’s your problem, nothing wrong at all in disliking dumb bastards.
maybe as you travel down the road of life you may understand where he was coming from with his passion for weights and what it take to achieve that as you deal with life.
you are one little boy.

[quote]Testy1 wrote:
JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
Why does everyone care that Professor X is gone? He was a dickhead. Everyone on this site wanted to suck him off and I don’t know why.
Maybe you’re gonna say “he gave good advice.” Well, he read the author’s articles, anybody could do that and give advice without being a dick about it.

What happened? Did you post a pic and he told you to eat and lift?[/quote]

lol - oh it burns!


What the hell does ‘jumped up’ mean? I mean, since this thread is turning into a linguistic study and all…

[quote]aussie486 wrote:
blah blah blah i loooove prof. x

Actually, he’s never replied to a thread I’ve been on, I only came to the site about a month before he was gone, so I didn’t have to suffer too long.

[quote]beebuddy wrote:

What the hell does ‘jumped up’ mean? I mean, since this thread is turning into a linguistic study and all…[/quote]

My favorite:

“Open to Midnight!” seen on a local store. Does this mean the store is only open to someone named ‘Midnight’? Does it mean that the owner is rascist and calling some black guy ‘Midnight’? Go figure.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
beebuddy wrote:

What the hell does ‘jumped up’ mean? I mean, since this thread is turning into a linguistic study and all…

My favorite:

“Open to Midnight!” seen on a local store. Does this mean the store is only open to someone named ‘Midnight’? Does it mean that the owner is rascist and calling some black guy ‘Midnight’? Go figure.


It could be a white guy born at Midnight.

Moving the tangent to the “white people think black people look the same” It’s true of all castes. I work with guys from the Indian subcontinent and Oriental folks and to the us “roundeyes” look very similar. It’s just the way it is with humanity and perception. The minority doesn’t get observed as well as the majority. The funniest thing I find is when people laugh at non native english people trying to speak english. Have you heard what we sound like when we try to speak other languages! I’m never going to look at the guy in the restaurant funny again! How’s that for grandverbiosoticalreciprocationivity!!!

Hands down the worst fucking linguistic ambiguity has got to be the “2 for 4 dollars” bullshit.

Must I purchase two for four dollars or can I purchase one for two dollars?

Stores do it both ways, IT SUCKS!

Usually the people crying racifism are the racifists.

[quote]Ryu13 wrote:
Hey everyone, turn on BET, there’s a black guy!!! I bet it’s professor X!!![/quote]

how’s that quote go, mountains and mole hills, something. . .

[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
Ryu13 wrote:

According to white men, all blacks look alike.

You’re complaining about racism, while simulatenously grouping an entire race of people into one stereotype?

I’m overwhelmed by the irony…[/quote]

Agreed, this is the single funniest thing I have ever read, not in a comical way, but in a sad, so stupid it makes you laugh kind of way. Like… This one time I was kicking a duck around and this other kid was telling me not to kick it because it was wrong and here he is over in the chicken coop kicking chickens around I mean WTF? ok just kidding but it’s kinda like that.


[quote]JKThreeEleven17 wrote:
aussie486 wrote:
blah blah blah i loooove prof. x

Actually, he’s never replied to a thread I’ve been on, I only came to the site about a month before he was gone, so I didn’t have to suffer too long.


           Good comeback knob jockey, just read your profile, just confirms everything i though about you, a sad little boy, what's the matter didn't someone wipe your arse for you today?