ive been off test e now for two weeks i continued using eq now i get hard just fine but i cant get a nut should i take some tribulus or something its going to be three more weeks to i get any test…
it is most likely in your head, i have taken deca and eq both without test and had no problems although it isn’t recommended and would have been better cycles with test.
Quit the EQ, and buy some HCG.
[quote]juicn4eva wrote:
ive been off test e now for two weeks i continued using eq now i get hard just fine but i cant get a nut should i take some tribulus or something its going to be three more weeks to i get any test…[/quote]
What else are you taking? Are you running an AI, other Drugs, etc.
The EQ alone doesn’t explain much other than the fact that EQ is pretty much half of test in almost every aspect, so you have half the androgenicy of test. Maybe you are running an AI? get back with us. Some HCG should offer an immediate fix, but then again, it doesn’t explain what the problem was to begin with. My guess is AI abuse.
i dont use ai i started today with nolva and clomid its been two weeks since last test shot. I wish i knew where to buy hcg cntrl any help would be greatly appreciated as im pretty sure i need either hcg or test asap…